Friday, March 20, 2009


Have you ever been curious about Death? I know I have.

As a kid, I always wondered what happened to the goldfish that was flushed down the toilet bowl. Where did it go?

What happened to my dog when it was sent away to be incinerated? What happened to my grandmas and grandpas, aunt and even my pets mice?

Do they know that they are dead? Are their souls still lingering around? Or did they, like some religions say, went through reincarnation?

I used to think that death only happened to:

a) unfortunate people who were turned into sleeping beauty, only to never find their Prince/Princess to kiss them back to Life.

and b) actors in scenes where they were slayed by a Vampire/ eaten by a wolf/ shot by a cowboy while in the midst of a Cowboy Duel/ eaten by Anacondas,huge scary spiders and crocodiles / killed by Freddie Krueger and Jason.

But over the years, I realize how realistic Death is. It could happen to anyone. People overdosing on drugs, family and friends in car accidents, and even innocent ones dying from terrorist attacks.

Sometimes Death takes people, loved ones away from us without us being able to bid farewell, or even spend time with them. Death of one make Life for others bitter because of the unfairness that someone had to be taken away so soon.

And because of what this and what we learned from the History Classes, we become fearful of Death. As kids, we ate our veggies because mommy says it is good for us. We take extra precautions when crossing the road, looking right, left, then right again. We work out in the gym, swallow a vitamin pill or two, take jabs, and even turn away from alcohol and tobacco because we know that it is not good for our health, which brings us closer to Death.

But sooner or later, our bodies would give way, because we were not made to last forever. True enough, medicine, products of aesthetics and even exercise could delay the time Death comes knocking on our door. CPR, respirators, transplant and all sorts of scientific devices may bring us back to Life. But no one can ever escape Death.

It's pressurizing to not know when your time is up, because there's always things that you've not done before and wish to try it before you leave your body. No one is ready for Death because we don't know what Death is like. And we can never find out, because those that have been through it, are not around to share it with us.

So what exactly is Death? There are various tales about Death and the Afterlife from various religions. But which one is the truest one of all? Some say that afterlife depended on one's religion. I'm a free thinker, so where do I go after dying?

Only time will tell.

The curiosity about Death is apparently driving me nuts. There seem to be so much conspiracy (or so I thought) in it. I am actually curious to know what Death and the afterlife brings, but I fear that if I were to meet death in the eye, everything would end in a
puff (too quick), with me not remembering a single thing of it.

So I guess, like everyone, I have to wait till the Grim Reaper chases after me.

Till then.

If you're just as curious as me about Death, Click Here!


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