Thursday, March 19, 2009

My hair

Having to stay at home more frequently since school ended, I pretty much don't brush my hair. I actually prefer it that way, because first, I wouldn't be struggling with the knots in my hair. Can you imagine how irritating it is when you can't brush your hair through smoothly?

Second, I wouldn't be loosing so much hair, from all the pulling and brushing. It seems more of a torture than a benefit to my hair though.

And third, brushing my hair makes it flat, and I prefer it to be more puffy looking. No, don't say PUFF-Y. Say PU-FFY! Yeah...

And it didn't help much that back then, my hair was looooonng. It's not really long now, but with the curls, my hair still gets matted pretty easily.

Well, as usual, I had my hair combed through with my fingers. And after so many weeks of not brushing my hair, I found mini dreadlocks in my hair!

I panicked because dreadlocks were DREADFUL when it came to untangling them. And so I had to literally use a brush to get through all the mazes of the matted hair. It was a torturous 15 minutes of hell, with me all sweaty from the battle of the knots.

Speaking of hair and brushes, I used to be a paranoid my hair, before I had it chopped off, that is. And my hair seemed to be the magnet of every single thing.

Like all kids, I had my hairbrush stuck to my hair. Man, that wasn't fun at all! I had the brush so twirled up in my hair, that I had to chop some of it off to get my hair out.

Then I had bubblegum stuck to my hair too. And I had to put Peanut Butter on my hair just to remove the gum. Trust me, peanut butter works, but then your hair would be all greasy.

And from the many birthday bashes that I went to, I had flour, egg, cake, and even candle wax on my hair.

Things did not become any better when my brother flicked a lighted match into my hair. Fortunately, my hair did not burst into flames.

Oh, I also had my hair burnt when I flicked it without knowing that a candle was nearby (I was vain back then and candles were everywhere at home). Fortunately, only a little was burnt.

I got my hair stuck in the lift too. The doors hated me, and had to sandwich my hair.

And not to forget the ones in the MRT. Not only was my hair sandwich by the door, it was even sandwich by those "joints" in the middle of each cabins (This one hurt alot!).

I can't really remember what else I got my hair stuck into. Did you get your hair stuck into anything before?

Oh, and before I end, I'd like to show you this video. If you did not catch American Idol last night, then boo-hoo to you.

I love Johnny Cash. And Adam Lambert made the song all Gypsy, Vampire, underground type of music. I kinda' like it, and it seems that my brother LOVES it. Hahah.


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