Saturday, March 07, 2009

So not Gentleman.. Huh?

Well, as the title suggests, this post is pretty much about Gentlemen.

That's Charlie Chaplin by the way, in case you didn't know.

The reason why I came up with this post is because recently when I was out, I came across this group of teenage girls who had tonnes (exaggerated) of shopping bags with them. There was a teenage boy with them and he was actually taunted by the girls for not being a gentleman.

He apparently felt challenged and he swooped up all the bags, including the girls' handbags and carried them by himself. The girls did nothing but laugh wickedly before heading to more shops.

Now what is a gentleman?


1. a man of good family, breeding, or social position.
2. (used as a polite term) a man: Do you know that gentleman over there?
3. gentlemen, (used as a form of address): Gentlemen, please come this way.
4. a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
5. a male personal servant, esp. of a man of social position; valet.
6. a male attendant upon a king, queen, or other royal person, who is himself of high birth or rank.
7. a man of good social standing, as a noble or an armigerous commoner.
8. a man with an independent income who does not work for a living.
9. a male member of the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives: The chair recognizes the gentleman from Massachusetts.
10. History/Historical. a man who is above the rank of yeoman.

You can click Here if you want to know more about the origins of the term Gentleman and so on.

Not only was I disgusted by the brutality that the boy was going facing, I almost threw up when I heard the shriek in one of the girls' laughter. For that moment, I felt like going up to her, and yanking her scarf off of her neck to give her voicebox room to create a proper laughter.

Now disgusted by the torture that the boy was put through. Why, you're asking? Well, let's just say I don't stereotype people. I hate it whenever someone says "Eee, you so not gentleman" to a guy just because he did not abide by the "gentleman rule".

What Gentleman Rule? That's the thing. There is NO gentleman rule.

Men often have this misconception of the things he need to do just so he can be a gentleman. But....

No man was born with a note on his back saying "To be a gentleman, you need to do this and that...". Men were not born to be judged. All the acts done by a "gentleman" is actually simple courtesy.

If you saw an old woman carrying bags of groceries, and was struggling to cross the road, you'd help her out too, wouldn't you?

To the guys out there, don't ever be pressured into doing things just because you want to be a gentleman. You don't have to carry your girl's bag and look gay just to be a gentleman. You do things like holding the door for someone, carrying someone's grocery bags when they're struggling, simply out of courtesy, because you are considerate and have a kind heart. And not to be labelled a gentleman.

There is NO rule or test to prove whether or not you pass the test to being a gentleman. Unless you join the show "From G's to Gents".

All men and women should be treated the same. If men had to carry women bags just to be a gentleman, then why can't woman carry man's?

Each and everyone of us have our own two hands and two feet, so we definitely can cary our own stuff on our own, without having to be dependent on others. It's ridiculous if a woman uses that "ee you not gentleman" if you don't carry her bag.

Women these days want so much for their man to be like a gentleman but they often forget that they too need to play a part, and that is, to be a lady. I've seen women who sit in MRTs with their legs up as though in a squatting position. I've also seen and heard way too many vulgarities coming out of barbaric (it's surprising that till this day, we still have barbarians around) women. And definitely the indecency of idiots who stand on toilet seats to relief themselves, dirtying the seats for others who urgently need to use it.

So guys, the next time someone tells you off "so not gentleman", just ask her back "are you a lady then?". Be prepared to get a slap, but it's definitely way worth it.

To the paranoid blonde and the dumb blonde (HAHAH), my mucus clan:

To all racist idiots out there:


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