Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goodbye 2008. Hello 2009


Goodbye 2008. Thank God you're finally gone. You've been the suckiest year ever.

I must say that 2008 did allow me to have some fun like

  • Having a closer bond with my class; Achievers of 2008.

  • Having great friends

There are of course many others whose photos isn't here. But you must understand, I'm not a photo kind of person, and I do regret it alot. But you're loved just as much as them (above). People like my volleyball teammates, coach, Ms Janay Lim, Ms Lynn Choo, Mr Soh, Mr Ben, Mdm Su, Ms Serene, Ms Lim Hui Qi, Ms Toh, Mdm Yap, Mr Fan, Mr Ni, Mdm Timah, Mr Kheng, Mdm Dzarina, Syuhada, Raudah, mak nenek Jeanice, Jia Min and so on . Like I said, there are many others who aren't named here. If I did name all of you, this post would never end.

  • Like being able to attend and win events like a "Youth Blogger Finalist" and being able to catch movies with the Big Time Bloggers of Singapore.

I am really appreciative for all these things. But time and again, I can't help but feel that "Someone up there" is testing me. Sometimes I feel so fed up that tears just flow in frustration. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to sound all emo, nor do I want anyone's sympathy. This isn't a post of a attention seeking girl who uses stress to claim attention. Heck no.

Well, I haven't been very happy ever since I lost my companion of 11 years. Yup, my dog. Well, it hit me real darn hard. Having to cradle her while she slowly fade in and out of consciousness, with a bloody nose, on Christmas Eve last year. Then to only see her slowly fade away at home this year. I thought she would last longer. But I was wrong.

Losing my dog wasn't the only f*cked up thing that happen. There were many incidents where I almost lost my Life due to many reckless drivers. Impatient ones as well.

Then I almost did not make it on my studies, I only passed two subjects in my Prelims. Really disappointing, but it was mainly because of my health, which leads to another point.

I found out that I was suffering from stress due to problems at home. I also found out that I have high blood pressure, and would often have headaches, unless I can reduce my stress. And to make things worst, I am allergic to Panadol.

Well, I must say, that depression did hit me hard this year. With the constant misunderstandings in school, with teachers and friends. Then there are those at home. Sometimes it feels really sickening to be placed in situations where there is no where to turn to.

I wouldn't mind listening to my friend's problems and of course, to help them solve it. But time and again, I wondered "why am I helping them when I can't even solve mine?".

Maybe it sounds selfish. But I have turned down anyone who needs someone to talk to. I always try my best to make them smile again. But sometimes it hurts to much, to do something for someone and not feel appreciated. Am I caring for the wrong people? Or am I doing it all wrong? I have no idea. But what I do know is that It sucks.

Oh well, at least I still have my family, and a roof under my head.

Well, I don't really do New Year Resolutions nor Birthday wishes. But this year's a new year, so what the heck.

For my new year resolution:

  1. I want my family to not worry about money matters.
  2. I want everyone to be in the pink of health.
  3. I want to make it to the course of my choice :Child Psychology
  4. I want to be happier
  5. I want to be able to play volleyball with my team again.

Well the new year has finally arrived. And all I want to say is:

To my family and my true friends, those who have been by my side when I needed you most, Thank you so much and I do love you!

To those whom I have insulted or did things to hurt you, I am truly sorry. Please do forgive me.

Well, 2009 bring it on!

2009 Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy New Year everyone!

happy new year Pictures, Images and Photos


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