Friday, January 16, 2009


One word to describe the pictures above? That's right.

They're so adorable, that you feel like going up to one of them, pinch them on the cheeks, or tickle them on the nose and behind the ear, or even give them a great big hug, don't you?

No one can not smile at a cute kitten that is playing with a ball of yarn, or a puppy trying to climb up the stairs. Admit it, if you saw a puppy pee on your door and then run away, you wouldn't beat the hell out of him. Instead, you would go "Aww, so cute!".

If you still don't get it, let me break the news to you. We are at the mercy of these animals. Especially the cute ones. They have us in their palms, or rather, paws. Make a mistake, it's okay, just flash an innocent face to them, the humans will fall for it.

Well, I was one of the victims. My dog, Junior, is cute. Come on, who has the heart to discipline a dog that has feet shorter than your forefinger, a body longer than your lower arm, and a face so CUTE?!? Junior has the "What am I supposed to do? I'm lost!!" face. In other words, a very 'goondu' face.

My family and I adore him very much, and we pamper him a lot too. He loves to eat Chicken, even though he's allergic to it. We tried substituting chicken for sardine, and he seems to be fine with it. He doesn't eat sausages unless it's fried. And he doesn't eat soup with rice, there has to be meat in there! And if the rice isn't stirred properly and covered with gravy, he'll leave the rice alone. And he loves sun tanning. He would find a spot at home that has the hot sun shining on the floor, and lay there till the sun is gone. He perspires alot, but he hates bathes And he loves the hair dryer ALOT. I made pillows for him, and it has been his chew toy. Other than that, he spends his day hunting for lizards and cockroaches. When he's in the living room, he sleeps with his head leaned against the leg of the chair. And the irritating bit is that, once he's there, he'll never move. And so, we have to move instead. It's the same when he's on the bed. He'll stretch out covering the bottom part of the bed. Tapping him or calling him wouldn't work, and so we have to curl our feet.

Junior has his own spot in the kitchen, near the toilet, where he pees. Since the day we got him, he never pees properly. It's always out of the newspaper. And he knows. Because whenever he pees, and it's out of the paper, he'll dash out of the kitchen.

Now, if I'm not mistaken, what he's trying to do is to "stealthily run away as quick as possible so that no one knows he was the culprit". It was cute at first, but over the years, it's becoming real irritating, having to pick up the papers and then mop it. My mum threatens to tie his "whistle" and would always scold him, literally asking him why he can't pee right.

My dad pampers him alot too, flooding him with hugs and kisses. My brother and I carry him around and whenever we do, he'll fall asleep on us. He's actually a pretty lazy dog. He doesn't bark, but instead makes friends with the Karang Guni Man. I wonder who will protect who when the burglar comes.

And as adorable as he is, he's actually getting pretty smart. He's becoming more and more picky on his food.

Since last month, I have been at home. And one day, my mum came into my room and said "Later when I call your name, don't have to come". I found it odd, but I nodded, and then resumed my game of Harvest Moon.

As predicted, my mum called my name. And sure enough, I didn't come to her. Now, this continued for a couple of days, weeks in fact. I was curious as to why she was always calling my name and one day, I decided to go to the kitchen, where she was calling my name.

I stood at the bar counter, and watched in amazement as Junior ran to the bowl whenever my name was called.

"Wah lao, use my name to ask Junior to eat?"

"See, it actually works. Junior's very naughty. Never call your name, he never eat. Besides, I've been using your name for a long time. And only your name works."

And true enough, as I observed, Junior dashes to his bowl whenever my name is called.

But sadly, this trick doesn't work anymore. I guess he realized that he too can play the game. And so whenever my name is called, he dashes to his bowl, and touched the food with his nose. Then he'll sit there and stare at my mum.

So now I have to be there to watch him as he eats, if not he'll skip his meal and start vomitting.

See how smart animals are?

I have to do my 'round' of spot-checking now.

And watch this!


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