Saturday, August 02, 2008

School support us, Youth Bloggers?

A few days back, a reporter from Shin Min daily called me for a phone interview. It was an interview about this post.

Where I talked about the incident that "Sidelinedstudent" had with his school, taken from

The reporter was really nice and jovial, and she asked question pertaining to the incident, like how I felt about sidelinedstudent not being supported by his school, how I felt about my school, why my school did not support youth bloggers, and basically every curious question any one would have asked to dig out more information.

The reporter was shocked when I told her that teachers were on Facebook and Friendsters, and would accept our friend requests,without being anonymous.

I told her many reasons to why my school did not support blogging, and I even recalled incidents where teachers approached me about my posts. I also revealed about how some students were asked to delete their blogs, because it contained mentionings of the school.

I wouldn't be surprised if this hoo-haa about schools supporting bloggers,comes out in the newspaper. And in a way, I guess it's good, such that schools who are reading this, would be aware of how we students feel, and how we actually regard them as important parts of our lives, that is why we inform them of our happenings.

Every single student are ambassadors of the school, and we should have responsibility to blog, be it about the school or any other things. But I feel that if a student blogs about a "bad thing" (let's say, a teacher made a rude remark about him because he was always late for school. Calling him a rebellion and slacker, without finding the actual truth behing things) that happened in school, I don't think it should be counted as irresponsible because the student is merely expressing how injustice was shown by the school, to him.

Even if my school were to approach me and ask me to stop blogging, and lecture me about the importance of studying, being that it is the O'level year, I would not stop blogging. Because as I had told the reporter, blogging is not only a hobby but a talent and passion. Not everyone can blog interestingly, and I do believe that blogging can bring people far.

Although there are plenty of plus-points of the interview, such as the school being more aware of how we feel of blogging, and that they should lighten up, I personally feel that the schools would keep a closer eye on those who are bloggers.

And though I have said alot about my school, I somehow fear that they would turn nasty towards me. It's my O'level year and I don't want anything bad to happen that might debar me from taking the National Exams.

But if the school debars me, then wouldn't there be an issue where "School bans student from exam because of blogging"? hahha, I love the press.

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