Sunday, August 10, 2008

One of the Ghostly Experience

A few days back, I bumped into a friend while on my way home. We decided to sit under my void deck to catch up on old times, or rather, his tales.

We shifted to a block away from my home soon after for a more comfortable place to chat. We continued with his tales, and we soon drifted to the topic about Ghost. I know it's stupid to have brought the topic up, especially during this time of the year, but we could not help it.

We started off with old school tales, and we drifted to personal encounters.

As I type this blog, the hairs on my neck is standing, I don't know why.

I spoke the most about personal encounters, while my friend sat there, listening. I swear it was so quiet, with the wind adding the eerie "chilling" effect. It was only 8pm and as soon as I finished with the my story, I noticed a pool of red substance that really looked like blood, beside us. It was thick and wet, and had the "dripping" blotches as though something was bleeding from above.

We looked around to see if there was anything, but to no avail. We quickly changed topic and decided to switch back to his tales. As we talked, many random thoughts raced through my head. Images like 'a Pontianak who had a miscarriage,sitting above us' and a guy who was sticking out his bleeding head beside us' invaded my head. And I could not help but to talk about the blood, because 1) There were flies around it. 2) No one, No thing was bleeding, where did it come from?

It spooked me quite abit, and so we left the place.

The story above is true, and though it still sends chills down my spine, I really did enjoy the sensation of fear all over me. I think I'm going to be a Fear Addict soon.

Have you had you ghostly experience yet?


  1. Hey!

    Wow that must've been scary! But in all my years I have never encountered a ghost that actually "bled".

    maybe it was ectoplasm? Or an animal died there earlier. Some birds like to impale their prey that could be rats or smaller birds on twigs on trees.

    Maybe that was it.

  2. hmm, the blood wasn't there when I first came to the spot. It only "appeared" soon after I completed my story
