Monday, November 10, 2008

Questions that people can't answer

While waiting for my mum to finish up her haircut, I went to Bugis Junction's Kinokuniya to complete on the book "Ways to live forever" by Sally Nicholls.

And so, the idea from today's post is from that book.

Questions that people can't answer.

They are basically questions bottled up in me, that people have not answered yet.

  • Have you ever wondered how it would feel when you're dead?
  • How do you know that you are dead?
  • Why are we here on Earth?
  • What is life about?
  • If God treats humans as His kids, then why see them suffer with diseases and war? Is it a punishment?
  • How would you know if a ghost is haunting you if you can't see it. Even if you can see it, how do you know that it is a ghost?
  • Why do scientists create diseases only to cure them later?
  • Why does the hand on the clock only move clockwise?
  • Clouds are made of water vapour. So why do they not evaporate or condense?
  • Where do emotions come from?
  • How come the bases Adenine, thymine, Guanine and Cytosine in DNA always are able to find its pair so perfectly. Do they not mix up with foreign particles?
  • Why should we believe the things that are told to us today?
  • If the Big Bang created Universe, then where did Big Bang take place?
  • How long before science or any other religion, can find the answers to all our questions?
  • What are numbers? Really, what is a two? Or three?
  • Why are humans more superior than the other animals? Is it because we can speak and walk on two legs?
  • Why is sleep a sleep? What happens when we sleep? Does our mind do things on its own when we're asleep?
  • What are dreams? How are they formed?
  • Why is the hair on our body different from the ones on our head and pubes?

I think that is all for now. My mind is filled with so many questions that it's starting to become confusing.

Well, till then.


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