Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Bs; Blogskins and Birthdays

*This post was supposed to be dated on the 16th November. But I was too busy to blog about and so it was saved in my Drafts.

If you have been to my blog recently, you'd realized that I have been changing my blogskin every few hours. Well, I love searching for blogskins and I must say, This Site (Click Me!) does have many talented designers. A couple of my favourites are designers like Solistice (Click Me!), Fedora_girl(Click Me!), Li0nheart (Click Me!) and SPLASH! (Click Me!) Of course, there are others, with pretty good skins as well.

What I like about the designers is that they use really vibrant colours to catch the attention of noobs, like me as well as genius bloggers. There were many designs which I liked A LOT, but I didn't choose them, instead, I chose this skin, which I liked alot too, but not as much as the others. And the only reason why I rejected the others, hesistantly, was because, of the size left for the posts.

I believe that an online journal, where people share their thoughts, knowlege and opinions, should have the widest space for their posts. This not only enables readers to really focus on theirs posts, but also enables them to see them clearly, without the small fonts.

I definitely would not want my readers to squint just to see my posts, nor be blinded by the neon colours of the fonts.

That was why I kept changing my blogskin, in search for something better, with bigger space for my posts, and so I settled on this. Not bad a design, and definitely enough space for my posts.

Anyway, enough about my blogskin, let's move on to the next B; Birthdays.

Today happens to be a special day for three people. They are none other than Wei Cheow, Ms Lim Hui Qi and my Dad. What is so special about today, for them, is that today happens to be their birthday!

To Wong Wei Cheow (if you happen to read this) :

A great friend for four years, so much that we treat each other more like brothers than friends. You are really a great guy, so don't let the daily obstacles in Life pull you down. I am sure you will be a very successful man, with many accomplishments.

Count your Life by the smiles, not the tears
Count your age by the Friends, not the years.

Good luck, and may you succeed in your future endeavours!!

To Ms Lim Hui Qi ( If you happen to read this) :

Despite only knowing you for two years, you have totally gotten my full respect. I do not have a religion, but I believe that there is God. And I think that God gave the world a gift when you were born; a person who loves and cares, who sees a person's needs and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than herself, who touches each life she enters.

You may think that your actions are little. But it's the little actions that you do, that makes a difference in the world. May the love you shower on us, be returned to you multiplied!


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