Friday, April 10, 2009

On This Special Day

This might sound like a bad joke, but on this day, at this very moment, I thought not of my past nor my future. But of my funeral.

This has absolutely no linkage to Good Friday, because for obvious reasons, I am not Jesus Christ even though it would have been awesome if I were to be the saviour of all souls, and to 'chat' with This guy in MSN while being in the form of Jesus. Oh well...

And if you have no idea what Good Friday is, Click Here to read about Good Friday.

If you have no idea, today is the day where I officially grow old. And having to think of death on the day I officially age a little more obviously, is pretty much the the foundation steps of being a pure pessimist.

Death, till now, is still seen as a 'Taboo' word. And to make matters worst, back then, I thought that it was associated with the boogeyman pulling you into his closet, the grim reaper hooking your mouth with his scythe and flying away to the cemetery, drowning or having to be eaten by some shark or in this case, Barry. But as I grew older, I realized that Death had pretty much nothing to do with any of the above mentioned, unless of course, you have a supernatural friend and wish to die in a more special way rather than of old age or some disease.

Well, enough of the side tracking. As I mentioned earlier, on this special day, I thought of my funeral. No one, not even my family, have a clue that I had actually planned (on paper, that is) for my funeral ever since the age of ten.(Yes, I was a child who spent time flinging earthworms at girls, sprinkling salt on snails and even make ants of different territories fight, remember? Click Here then.) And surprisingly, I have not and do not intend to change them.

Like all funerals, the preparation begins with the body. I actually wish not to have a coffin at the wake, but for my body to be incinerated way before the funeral, or rather, the moment I die. I wish not of my body to turn from green to black, my body to bloat with bulging eyes and a protruding tongue. I wish not to have to 'feel' my pancreas digesting itself. And most importantly, I wish not to have my body to stink on this very sacred day. Yes, an urn with my ashes in it would do. Unless I die as a healthy person, then I wished for my body parts to be donated to the hospital so that they can save more lives. In a sick thought, I like the idea of having my body parts to 'live' on without my soul. But still the remains of my body shall be incinerated.

The funeral shall be held on 10th April, because I think it's pretty cool to live and die on the same day (I'll explain later). If authorities forbid, then we shall carry out the funeral in a fortnight (or two) after my death(Again, I'll explain later). It shall be held on a beach that has standards of Bali (or if we have no money, we could always go to St. John island or Port Dickson. So long as it isn't on Sembawang Beach, or anything like that. The grander the better, and I trust that my family would know of which beaches I approve of) , in a white tent.

There would no guest list, but a list of people I do not want to be at my funeral. The reason why there is no guest list is because the invited ones are the people whom I love dearly, and loves me back. People who have impacted my life, and people who's life I have changed, or at the very least, 'touched'. So if they feel that they fit into any one of the category, just head on down. They can be dressed whatever they want, however they want. Just so long as there isn't a large group of people dressed in black (Yet again, I'll explain later).

Only the VIPs (some family and friends) at the funeral are allowed to give the speeches on the podium. No tears of sadness shall be shed. Here' s the explanation for the date of funeral and the colours of clothing. I want my funeral to be one of the most beautiful "parties" , almost like a sweet sixteen party, only less expensive and boy crazy.

On the day of my funeral, I want to be remembered for the days that I lived, and the joy (if any) that I brought to the people I care about. It should be a happy day for everyone should celebrate the years I lived, and not the moment I became stiff. I want my death anniversary to be on 10th April, for I want it to be a joyous occasion where I celebrate my birthday, rather than my death.

Like mentioned earlier, that if authorities don't permit, then I'll have my funeral a fortnight or two after my death. Reason: It's simple. As said, my funeral shall not be a place of sadness, and I think a week or two would pretty much be enough for them to get over their grief of me being dead.

As for the dressing, black just brings all the mood down, so I need my guests to be in awesome colours.

The speeches shall not be more than two hours long, and when that's all over, I want beautiful music to be playing, preferably Jazz and the Oldies. I don't want any sad songs played because it always brings back sad memories, and I wish not to have tears, mucus or loud sobs on my funeral day.

Food has to be awesome as usual, and I wouldn't mind having a couple of drinks around for the guests. But those who go beyond the limit and get drunk, would be booted out of my funeral tent, even if that means my family. I don't want some drunk to come and crash my funeral, and don't think I'm not watching, cause' I am!

Now all this sounds pretty much awesome to me, but I actually left out the time for my funeral. It has to be during Dawn because it brings light to a whole new day.

The moment the Sun rises, marks the end of the whole 'party'. Guest are then required write notes they wished to send to me and attach them to beautiful coloured balloons of all shapes and sizes (I want to remember all of you forever and always). But don't release them just yet. For my ashes need to be placed into this huge balloon and together, all the balloons shall be released at the same time. I'll read them once the notes and the ashes are brought up to me through the stars.

And when I'm all done, I'll pop the balloons so that my ashes are scattered all around the world, together with my notes.

Welcome to my new beginning.

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