Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Updates

I thought I'd use this time now to update my blog.

Where exactly am I right now? I'm in m polytechnic's library drinking bubble tea (yes, the library sells bubble tea!) and pretending that I'm engrossed in some schoolwork online when I'm actually reading FMyLife.

Why am I here and not attending my classes? Well, it's simple. There's only three hours of class on Tuesdays, which consist only of Field Practicum or in other words, Attachment. So like other students, I woke up smiling (okay,maybe I lied...) and got dressed for school. I was happy because it wasn't really crowded and the rain made things move at a slower pace. Not knowing where the location my class was (it wasn't stated in the time table sheet), I skipped merrily to the HMS information counter. That was when happiness was ripped out of my soul. The staff told me that there wasn't any Field Practicum classes till Week 3.

Okay, maybe it wasn't an exaggerated shock. I actually was more pissed than shocked. And as much as I tried to hold back, I couldn't help but raise my voice at them, questioning them as to why NO ONE emailed or told us about it. The lack of proper communication actually wasted by travelling fare (yes, I do count every single cent. Poly uses adult fare leh, so it's expensive man..)

Their answer was simple, and that was, they thought we knew. Apparently, we don't, do we?

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But after leaving the information counter, I was rudely or rather, happily nudged by huge reality. There is no school for me today leh! I should be happy right!?!

And so, that was how the story went. Yes, like my coursemates, we may have been a fool, but I think we all deserve this 'rest', from school and from home. Besides, I get to wander around school, since time is in my hands! Muahahah...

Anyways, if you're wondering how my first day at school was.. Well, let's just say two hours o f class (for every Monday!) is pretty awesome. Farewell Monday Blues. And for the record, we have 12 guys in ECH, which as the lecturers claim, is record breaking as there was only 8 last year.

We shall rule ECH. Muahaha...

Okay, enough with the update for now. I think I'm getting pretty 'lame' with the "muahaha(s)". I shall end here people. Till then..


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