Friday, February 06, 2009

26 random things

Okay, I did a "25" version in Facebook and since then, I have been tagged to do more 25 and even 26s!

I have a lot of random stuff to share about me. And since I'm bored ( I know you're bored too),I have decided to do a "26" version here.

Fret not, it's not a repeated "random things" from 25.

Here goes...

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 26 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 26 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I used to swim a lot when I was younger. I still love swimming now, but I don't like the filthy swimming pools. I didn't bother then, until I saw a few shit in the pool.

2. I actually like cleaning my room, and arranging stuff. I guess I got this habit from my dad, while my mum and brothers are the "can't be bothered" type. And they claim that it's part of the "art" kind of people.

3. I have sweaty palms. None of my family members have it, except for my oldest brother.

4. I hate playing games which require us to hold hands. (refer to 3).

5. I love body piercings. I still want to pierce my tongue, nose(again, after 3 times), do a corset piercing, and pierce the middle part of my ear and definitely more industrial piercings. I also wanna' try out the dermal anchors. It's funny how we're paying money to inflict pain upon ourselves.

6. My family thinks I'm crazy (refer to 5) because I am a girl and should not think about all these.

7. I love eating durians. I'll freeze them for a while, then enjoy the creamy, ice-cream like treat.

8. My favourite cartoon when I was younger, was Barney and Friends. I don't really like it now, because the dinosaurs are not cute at all.

9. I hardly shed a tear. My family thinks it's because I'm too hard hearted. It kinda' sucks though, to not shed a tear, like I'm sadistic or cold blooded or something.

10. I love injuring myself. I like the pain of spraining my ankles and big wounds on me.

11. But despite all that pain, I still think that tiny wounds actually hurt the most.

12. I used to make a hammock out of bandage whenever I sprain my ankle. Then I'll hang it from my window to my door, and hang my feet on it.

13. I have a lot of "Cabbage Kids" dolls. But they're tied up in those thrash bags. In fact, all my soft toys are in thrash bags, because there's too many, and because I always arrange them neatly on my bed, so much that my parents think it's a nuisance.

14. As seen from above, I love soft toys, and till now, would touch or hug every soft toy that I see.

15. I think plus sized people are way hotter than skinny people, if they know how to dress well. I think that they look much more "alive and fresher" than skinny people who looked like they've not eaten for months. It's all the in the boobs and booty. I have a thing for that.

16. I love reading storybooks. Well not any kind, biography type. I'm reading Catherine Lim's books now. And I plan to find more books after reading both of them.

17. I have wasted tonnes of money just on books. Nerd is in the house!

18. Till today, I love going to the toys' section to find all the cool science experiments.

19. I used to and still want to have Sea Monkeys. But they're bloody expensive now.

20. I love animals, and can't stand all the nonsense of puppy mills, and fake fur. But I do eat meat. It's contradicting, but I can't really live without meat though.

21. I don't eat pork. I hate the taste and texture of it. Nor do I really eat beef, because my dad (hindu belief) and brother(Buddhist belief, only recently. But he's still Christian. I told you, my family's a weird one) adopted the "cows' are sacred like our mothers" belief. Mutton tastes like Blah, and chicken is really boring. I think I should start changing to become a vegetarian soon. Just maybe.

22. I am still a free thinker.

23. I love to freeze grapes and then crunch on them after dinner.

24. I still want to get back and learn my "er hu" again. And I wanna' take up guitars and drums too. If I only I had the money.

25. I wonder what Paris Hilton would look like if she was fat.

26. A fortune teller told my family that the way I ride my bicycle is really fast and dangerous. And if I were to carry on, I would break a leg. From then, my parents have banned me from riding a bicycle. They even banned me from taking up bike license. I can only drive a car. Pfft.

I'm done!

It doesn't pay to have a brother working in a tattoo/piercing shop that sells clothes. Not only does he get free tattoos, he got a eyebrow piercing last year, and recently got a lip piercing for free! And to make things worst, he got free clothes that costs up to $55 per clothe. No Fair!

Im real jealous.

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