Saturday, September 13, 2008

What's your inspiration?

Throughout our entire Life, we tend to be confused and begin judging on the Great One, God. Some people believe that worshipping God, is the only way for peace, enlightenment, protection and Love. With a religion, people tend to be more inspired and determined in Life.

The christians have their Bible, the Muslims have their Quran, and the Buddhists and Hindus have their sanskrits. I'm an Atheist, so what do I turn to for inspiration?

Well, I turn to Books.

When I'm not out in the Sun playing sports, nor in school studying, I'll be at home, being a bookworm. Yes, A BookWorm.

I love reading Autobiographies of people as well as books that can change not only the writer's Life, the people involved, but also the reader's Life. And the five books that I love the most are Chicken Soup for the Soul and Books by Mitch Albom.

You can find a whole range of Chicken Soup for the Soul books

I love reading Chicken Soup for the Soul because not only are the short stories capture your attention, they have a deeper meaning towards Life, and is accompanied by a short meaningful phrase at the beginning.

The two books from Chicken Soup that I liked the most were, Chicken Soup for the Cat and Dog lovers (Reason being that I'm an animal lover) and Chicken Soup for the Teens soul (Reason being that I'm still a teen).

I guess these books catered to my every need, want and attention. It gave me answers that I didn't know were possible to get. It helped me to get over my grief of my dead dogs, and also answer the childish adolescence doubts that I had.

The other books, Tuesdays with Morrie, 5 people you meet in heaven and For one more Day, actually served as an eye-opener to me, to not only find deeper meaning to Life, but accompany the rest of your Life with forgiveness, joy and giving.

You can read more of the three books

The books by Mitch Albom can make you all emotional with the stories, feeling both guilt of your past, and determination to make your future better. It teaches you the valuable Lessons in Life that can change your future.

These are my inspirations, so what's yours?

1 comment:

  1. books and recently reading abt the injustice imposed on RPK,teresa and the reporter....
