Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The main reason why I visit the Polyclinic, and not any other clinics

The past few years of my Life had been filled with visits to the hospital and Polyclinic. The polyclinic was like a second home to me. I was there for the major reasons, like when I got my ankle busted and when I tore my knee. I was also there for the minor reasons, like when I decided to skip school for that day.


I loved the Woodlands Polyclinic especially because they always gave me a two day Medical Leave, rather than one. It must have been my good acting skills back then.

But a couple of years later, I shifted away. There is a 24 hour clinic just a few metres from my home, and there's two clinics at the opposite junction of my home. But I still return to Woodlands Polyclinic most of the time. No, it's not for the two days MC anymore, because I realized that the clinics near my home give the same amount too.

Well then, you must be wondering what it must be. Well........

It's because of their lovely vending machines! They have at least 3 vending machines, the "high-tech" ones like this:

Where we slot in our money, and press the secret code (I used to think the machine was only for me). Then the vending machine would acknowledge the code and spit out the item I wanted. I loved the varieties available in the vending machines, from the chilli tapioca to the M & Ms.

I always found it weird why no one used the vending machine, but rather buy the tasteless bread from the shop. But nevertheless, I was delighted as the vending machine belonged to me, and me only.

However, things changed. It's been awhile since I lasted visited the Polyclinic. And yesterday, I did. To my horror, there was not a vending machine in sight! I asked the staffs and they said that they removed it when the polyclinic was under renovation.

That simply destroyed my mood.

But everything was soon forgotten, as soon as I reached my block, where my three vending machines whom I had been loyal to, await me.

I've been addicted to one of the items in the vending machine lately (other than the must have Apollo)

Well, it's actually
Oishi's Pillows!!!



And before i end, I just want you to check out this cute baby!

Good Night!

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