Sunday, September 21, 2008

7 deadly sins

There is nowhere in the Christian Bible that a list of the Seven Deadly Sins is given, although lists of virtues contrasted with lists of sins are found in certain books of the New Testament, such as the Epistle to the Galatians. The modern concept of the Seven Deadly Sins is linked to the works of the 4th century monk Evagrius Ponticus, who listed eight "evil thoughts" as follows (Refoule, 1967):

Gluttony; fornication; avarice; sorrow; anger; discouragement; vainglory; pride.

The first three of these sins, as Refoule explains, link to lustful appetite; anger links with the irascible; and vainglory and pride link with the intellect. Some years later, Pope Gregory I (Pope Gregory the Great) would revise this list to form the more common "Seven Deadly Sins".

The Seven Deadly Sins: LUST by `blackeri on deviantART

Lust (or lechery) is usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Giving in to lusts can lead to sexual or sociological compulsions and/or transgressions including (but obviously not limited to) sexual addiction, adultery, bestiality, rape, and incest.[citations needed] Dante's criterion was "excessive love of others," which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary. In "Purgatorio", the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings.

The Seven Deadly Sins:GLUTTONY by `blackeri on deviantART

Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.[3]

Depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status. Where food is relatively scarce, being able to eat well might be something to take pride in (although this can also result in a moral backlash when confronted with the reality of those less fortunate). Where food is routinely plentiful, it may be considered a sign of self control to resist the temptation to over-indulge.

Medieval church leaders (e.g., Thomas Aquinas) took a more expansive view of gluttony,[3] arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods.[4] He went so far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony, including

Praepropere, eating too soon;
Laute (washedly), eating finely;
Nimis, eating too much;
Ardenter, eating burningly;
Studiose (keenly), eating daintily;
Forente (boringly), eating wildly.

The Seven Deadly Sins: AVARICE by `blackeri on deviantART

Greed (or avarice, covetousness) is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was "a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts. "Avarice" is more of a blanket term that can describe many other examples of greedy behavior. These include disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason,[citations needed] especially for personal gain, for example through bribery . Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one profits from soliciting goods within the actual confines of a church.


More than other sins, the definition of sloth has changed considerably since its original inclusion among the seven deadly sins. In fact it was first called the sin of sadness or despair. It had been in the early years of Christianity characterized by what modern writers would now describe as melancholy: apathy, depression, and joylessness — the last being viewed as being a refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world he created. Originally, its place was fulfilled by two other aspects, acedia and sadness. The former described a spiritual apathy that affected the faithful by discouraging them from their religious work. Sadness (tristitia in Latin) described a feeling of dissatisfaction or discontent, which caused unhappiness with one's current situation. When Thomas Aquinas selected acedia for his list, he described it as an "uneasiness of the mind", being a progenitor for lesser sins such as restlessness and instability. Dante refined this definition further, describing sloth as being the "failure to love God with all one's heart, all one's mind and all one's soul." He also described it as the middle sin, and as such was the only sin characterised by an absence or insufficiency of love. In his "Purgatorio", the slothful penitents were made to run continuously at top speed.

The modern view of the vice, as highlighted by its contrary virtue of zeal or diligence, is that it represents the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts. For example, a student who does not work beyond what is required (and thus fails to achieve his or her full potential) could be labeled slothful.

Current interpretations are therefore much less stringent and comprehensive than they were in medieval times, and portray sloth as being more simply a sin of laziness or indifference, of an unwillingness to act, an unwillingness to care (rather than a failure to love God and his works). For this reason sloth is now often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins, more a sin of omission than of commission.

The sloth, a South American mammal, was named after this sin by Roman Catholic explorers.

The Seven Deadly Sins: WRATH by `blackeri on deviantART

Wrath (or anger) may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system (such as engaging in vigilantism)[citations needed] and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others. The transgressions borne of vengeance are among the most serious, including murder, assault, and in extreme cases, genocide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy, closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally rather than externally. Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of wrath directed inwardly, a final rejection of God's gifts.

The Seven Deadly Sins: ENVY by `blackeri on deviantART

Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it. Dante defined this as "love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs." In Dante's Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire, because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low. Aquinas described envy as "sorrow for another's good".

The Seven Deadly Sins: VANITY by `blackeri on deviantART

In almost every list pride (or hubris or vanity) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them,[citation needed] and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. Vanity and narcissism are prime examples of this sin. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the penitent were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.


Art pieces (above and below) done by two fantastic Artists from Deviantart.

I was drawn to DeviantArt ever since my brother was into Art. Both he and I got ideas for our Art examinations from this site. It showcases not only digital artwork, but others like tattoos, graffitti, and even anime. It is definitely a site that one should visit, if you're interested in Art.

Out of the many wondeful artwork in deviantart, I was drawn to The 7 deadly sins, despite still being an Atheist. Reason being that these sins are what we experience, or rather, commit, every single day, either with a conscience or not.

Some of us are aware of the sins that we are carrying out, some of us simply don't. Do you?

I know that I sure am aware of the sins that I commit every single day. And despite trying to lessen them, I am unable to undo them. And I fear of Judgement Day, where we have to pay for our sins commited.

Don't fear Death? Then you're wrong. Never believe someone who says he/she doesn't fear Death. Why? Because if you don't fear death, you wouldn't take precautions, at all.

Why wear a helmet when you're on a bike? Why even applying brakes when you're going downslope? Why hesitate when suicide comes into your head? Why think beofre you act?

Everyone fears Death, unless you're God, where you can recreate creatures, be it humans, animals or organisms. Never been God? People have created games to let you experience the feeling of being GOD.

Come to think of it, go try out SIMS and SPORE from the EA Games. They definitely can make you feel God-like. And eventually turn you sadistic as you find ways to humour yourself by either drowning your Sims or burning the house down.

No kidding.

7 Deadly Sins - Lust by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Gluttony by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Greed by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Sloth by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Wrath by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Envy by *elestrial on deviantART

7 Deadly Sins - Pride by *elestrial on deviantART

A thought to ponder on: If Adam and Eve were the first humans on Earth, then where does that leave the stone-age people?

Credits: &

I'm not against any religion, nor am I racist. I'm just a curious teen.

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