Sunday, June 29, 2008

The next terrorizing blogger?

If you've been sticking to Nuffnang's innit posts lately, you would have noticed something going on in there. Apparently a fellowblogger
posted "Top 10 dub things ppl do to their blog", which has undoubtedly sparked comments flying all over.

Many have felt that she was unfair in her judgment. There was even a post that was replied to her, from another blogger
who disagreed to the previous blogger's opinions.

However, the first blogger realized that things were not going well and so, she created a video, clarifying her opinions on the post. (note: turn volume to maximum as it is really soft)

I do have some agreements with both sides of the party, but what ruined it, was that the first blogger actually did the video, which entirely contradicts what she has in her post. Besdies, why so garang? Some people prefer to do things their way for their own "style", and so i guessed they can be blame isn't it? If everyone were to have the same opinions, then the world, or rather blogosphere, would have clones instead of originality.

I don't know. But what do you think?


  1. Holy~~~~
    This fella actually posted a video to defend herself?

  2. basically. i tink its stupid. i mean that gal in the video. lols. think she is lot more making herself to be a joke rather than making the one she wanted.
