Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Girl willing to expose more skin for people to donate to Sichuan EarthQuake Funds

I was reading the New Paper this morning and I noticed a small article on the Cover page.


Being rather KPO, I flipped to the page and to my horror, I saw a full page article on a teenage girl!

No, it wasn't a murder or rape case, neither was it a singing/acting prodigy.

It was an article about a Beijing teen who posts sexy picture online asking for Sichuan earth quake Donations!


Right now, there are more than 100 photographs of her being circulated online! Picture include herself posing in what appears to be her bedroom.


She said(quoted): "I am from Sichuan. My hometown has been badly hit by the recent earthquake. It's encouraging to see people donating to help - I will release more photographs of myslef to encourage more people to donate".

Xiaoyun actually asked viewers to look at her body "artistically", stating that "women's bodies are meant to be admired that way".

Her post has definitely created a huge uproar online, but with mixed reactions to it. Some bloggers have protested against her actions stating that this stunt was done to "help catapult her to online fame" and " she probably just wants to use the viral nature of Internet to raise her profile online".

One however, lauded her, saying that he admired her "willingness to express herself".
Another even commented on her unshaved armpit. He sure must be one Chee-ko-pek! (hahha)

To me, this stunt carried out by Xiao Yun is really creative, in a way that she uses artistic measures to urge people to donate to Sichuan Earthquake funds. I for one, admire her patriotism to the country, having to willing expose more photos just so that people can donate.

However, I feel that not everyone will/can look at her body artistically and would probably feel she is trying to boost her profile online. Easy way to get hired as a model/porn star right?

But I'm curious though. Why must she resort to such extreme actions just for donations? Can't she post videos of the Earthquake victims suffering or even sing a song to get people to sympathize with her, to urge them to donate?

I'm sure most of the people who donate on seeing her photos are definitely Chee-Ko-Peks!!

What do you think of this stunt pulled out by her?

More photos can be found at(In Chinese only!) :

1 comment:

  1. walao...she is really ugly!!!and wads with the armpit hair??Can anybody ask her to fckn shave it!!At first i wanted to have a look,but saw the armhit hair, now everything no mood alredy!!sob...hahaha
