Sunday, June 08, 2008

Happy Bak Chang Day

It's the time of the year to eat Bak Chang again!

Bak Chang - Rice dumplings

I've been eating Bak Chang for 16 years but I never once questioned the origin of it, until now.

Where Bak Chang/ Zong zi originated from:

Zongzi is traditionally eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival (Mandarin: Duanwu; Cantonese: Tuen Ng) which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese Calendar (approximately early- to mid-June), commemorating the death of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese Poet from the kingdom of Chu who lived during the Warring States period. Known for his patriotism, Qu Yuan tried unsuccessfully to warn his king and countrymen against the expansionism of their Qin neighbors. When the Qin Dynasty general Bai Qi took Yingdu, the Chu capital, in 278 BC, Qu Yuan's grief was so intense that he drowned himself in the Miluo River after penning the Lament for Ying. According to legend, packets of rice were thrown into the river to prevent fish from eating the poet's body. Another version states that zongzi were given to placate a dragon that lived in the river.

Interesting isn't it? But anyway, to all who love to eat Bak Chang, like my family, HAPPY BAK CHANG DAY!!!

Anyway, while eating Bak Chang, I YouTube-ed and found a few wonderful videos.

And all of them come from: Britain's Got Talent.

If you haven't watched it before, I suggest you go and search for it, either on TV or YouTube.
Britain's Got Talent is something like American, only that it's from Britain and it's auditions are not only for singers, but dancers, actors and all sorts of entertainment you can think of.

I once did a post about another singer from Britain's Got Talent and she's none other than Connie Talbot.

Anyway, this time, there tow performances. One's by this cute 13 year old chubby boy, Andrew Johnston. What's sad about him is that he used to be bullied because of his love for opera type of music. He didn't have much friends because they didn't that kind of music. But boy, he sure can sing!!! I like him alot, and I do hope he can beat those bullies back.

Breath-taking isn't it??

The other one, isn't a singer. They're actually dancers! But they don't work as dancers at all, one's a lawyer, while the other, is a sales executive. And the lawyer, wowee, is one good Michael Jackson impersonator!!!

The best one of all:

Who doesn't love Bangra music now?!?!

To end this post off, I'd like to show a video and a picture that's my all time favourite. Enjoy!!

dig nose

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