Thursday, December 20, 2007

Car Jumper

edited: It seems like I get to keep this blog skin! I managed to make the fonts bigger and now I'm much more satisfied! But credit still goes to the person who created this skin!!

A new blog skin. I like the pictures but am not so satisfied with it because the fonts are pretty small. It's kinda' irritating sometimes when you have to squint the whole time, while trying to read the post. I'll change to another soon.

Anyway, my favorite past time, is to watch the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I'm a great fan of her show and am always eager to watch her shows at 1.00PM or at 5.00PM every week day. I love how she is able to make the audience laugh, and how much she cares for things, especially animals.

Anyway, there were a few episodes where she showed a video of a guy and later even asked him to come to her show. This guy's name is Chris Bryant and he is able of jumping over a car. Yes, literally jumping over a car!

He wanted to be in Ellen's show and was actually invited to come. At the show, he was then asked to jump over 5 cars consecutively. And he actually did it with great success!

But he dreams were not just to jump over cars all day. He worked as a Bus Boy and he wanted to be in a Nike Advertisement.

Ellen was so willing to help him that she called Nike again and again until someone, i think the CEO of NIKE, agreed to see Chris Bryant.

He was so successful that he actually managed to be sposored by Nike to jump over cars, as an advertisement. Don't believe me? Watch this.

Superb jumps isn't it?

He was a bus boy and now he is a walking advertisement. He is so popular right now that he has given talks to schools all over America.

Now, i want to jump as high as him too. Hahah.

Anyway, Christmas is in a couple of days. So I'll wish EVERYONE, a VERY MERRY Christmas, and A VERY HAPPY New Year!

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