Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am a Fire Hazard

My Dad was recently involved in an incident where a gas tank exploded in front of him. The cap of the gas tank hit and burned my dad on his leg, at the same time, leaving him in a sate of shock for a few moments. He's now hard of hearing on his left ear. Fortunately, he was the lucky one, because his friend, who was hugging the gas tank, actually suffered a deaf ear as well as a fractured feet because of the impact that had caused due to the explosion.

I'm not sure what happened, and I'm not bothered to find know. But, after the incident, my Dad has been going around in our home spot-checking every bit of the house. Why? Well, that's because my dad's looking out for FIRE HAZARDS. Pretty unusual, I must say, but like he always said "better to take precautions".

I didn't bother at first and thought that he'll forget about in a day or two, but I was so wrong! My room, of all other places, was the most "jialat" because as from what he said, "your room has so many places where it can catch fire". I have plastic bags on the floor, Plastic bags full of toys near my computer and an area of wiring that is exposed to the window, which might in turn have bad weather and rain.

He's been pestering my brothers and I to clean our rooms, shift the fire hazard stuff. But being adolescence, we ignore him. We even made up things like to throw the iron away because it was a fire hazard. The stove too, the fish tanks, and the TV sets. My brother even volunteered to be thrown away because he said that he smoked, so he might catch fire.

Hahaha, the things that you would do, just so that you would not encounter it again. But if we throw all this away, who'll buy new ones for us? Money?

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