Monday, March 19, 2007


i totally missed out on blogging for this past few days.. Been pretty busy. In case you guys didn't know, I'm VERY KPO. Even when I'm not involved in anything, I'll be, somehow.

Anyway, I AM IN TAF!!! I repeat, I AM IN TAF!!

Pretty great news for me because I've been trying to be in TAF for two years, but failed. So finally I'm in!

But unfortunately, my class lost in the debate yesterday.
And i don't know how the volleyball girls did, in fact, i don't really care.
Speaking of volleyballers, let me explain on why I'm sooo pissed.

Apparently, after getting injured, it seems as though I've totally quit from this team! No one has told me about trainings, the time and even the days when they're playing. Am i not in the team anymore? You guys treat it as though I'm like some kind of an outcast.
Just because I'm injured, it doesn't mean that i would stop TRAINING FOREVER. And even if you've informed me, it'll mostly be on that day itself, what the fuck do you expect me to tell my parents? they're strict people, and should always be informed beforehand, and i respect that.

And stop this racist thing going on here. Even though i understand simple Chinese, it doesn't mean you can communicate in Chinese on and on.. Syakirin doesn't understand and i think she dreads coming to trainings too.

You people only care for yourselves, where did all the "team spirit", "one for all, all for one" attitude? Win or lose, we're still a team. But somehow i don't feel that way.

if you guys are so full of yourselves and think that Chinese speaking people are so much better, than I'll step down. I'm not trying to hate Chinese here, but i feel that everyone should be given a chance. People change,people improve, people learn from their mistakes, but being treated so, how i can feel a belonging?

Oh, this is crap.

Anyways, today was pretty much a fine day. but i think i overdid something today, during recess. Apologies people, apologies.

I never use my head to think before i act. I think it's funny but somehow, i don't really bother about people's feelings. Alot of reflections have been done and i want to apologize and take back my actions from the day i placed burdens onto my parent's / friends/ people around me, shoulder. I mean, i can't stand certain people for just being an ass. Bu somehow, i think I'm an ass too.

People have their own characteristics and sometimes people do not know what they're actually doing, can affect others' alot.
i often tell people that i hate this certain person.. blah blah blah. But what i may not know is that i may be hated too... For being an ass.

So think about it people, stop going around saying you hate this someone, because you never know if you're liked in the first place.

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