Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Holidays and KFC

This is a repeat of a post that was earlier created but somehow vanished. This post is re-written and holds no grudges against neither KFC nor the people mentioned below.

My blog is so dead, there's no tag and i don't think anyone's reading. So I’m probably typing and reading my own journal just to satisfy myself. Ahahaha..

And thanks to Dee, i have officially gone wild. Just love seeing her laugh ALOUD and thus, making all of us embarrassed. Well, who can blame a girl who has a funky and unforgettable demeanor? She reads Captain underpants. Ahahahaha..

Anyway, it's the holidays now and I’m busy with work. Who am i kidding? i am sucked deep into a dimension where there's only drawn things moving about; cartoons lah.

Lately, I’ve been catching up on cartoons like Sponge bob Sqaurepants, The avatar: The last Air Bender, The Simpsons, X men , X men evolution, Dora the Explorer, hi5, Baby Looney tunes and finally , Barney and Friends!

Speaking of television, have you guys seen the latest KFC television advertisement?
After watching it several times, i felt embarrassed for having this advertisement shown in television, all around SINGAPORE.

Case 1: Finger licking good Malay Family.

When i first saw this advertisement, i found it ingenious of KFC to get a Malay family (based on the halal facts). And the family consisted of a dad, a mom and a kid. This shows that people of all ages agree that KFC is finger licking good and enjoy eating at the fast food restaurant.

But then i realized that instead of proving that it's finger licking good, the family actually sucked their fingers. I mean they actually popped their fingers into their mouth, and slowly pulled it out.

Being a greater fan of KFC than to MacDonald's, I somehow felt utterly, disgusted. I mean, wouldn't you feel disgusted upon seeing some people suck their fingers in order to prove that it's delicious?

And i was disappointed in how the family "cheered" about enjoying KFC. If that was a way to draw customers, i believe that they would rather go else where. It was disbelieving.

I can't help but to laugh at the dad who actually got "slapped" by his son! I mean the kid was so excited, with his hands widely stretched, jumping up and down, that he didn't realize that his hand was too close to his dad's face.

Two words: Utter humiliation.

Case 2: The rap by the guy and the girl; couple.

When i first saw this advertisement, i couldn't help feeling that "it would turn bad". The couple looked as though they had guns held at neck point and were forced to dance/rap for KFC. Their so called "rap" about the yummy burgers is disappointing. The guy started off earlier than the girl, both ending at different timings. And their tones were monotonous. I mean couldn't you guys TRY to put some FUNK into it? And the way you guys danced were as though you guys were walking on thin glass, afraid that it'll break.

How can Singaporeans be proud of advertisements like these? If people from other countries were to view our advertisements, they would be mocking at us.

Everything in Singapore should be up to standard, or better yet, better than anyone had expected. Nothing should be done simply. We should prove to other countries that they had under-estimated us. Even though we're a small country, we can do Wonders. People should never look down on us, but to look up to us in amazement.

Singapore should improve and grow with the population. we should try new things, without forgetting the old ones too. We should improvise from there. Breaking the rules in a big no no in Singapore. But we should at least bend the rules and be more flexible in order to be up to standard in competence with the other countries.

the Government should hire more Graffiti artist/freestylers/rappers into the industry to promote things that youth nowadays love doing. Instead of having Graffiti illegally sprayed on drains or walls, Grafitti artist should be allowed to draw let's say Lee Kuan Yew in graffiti style. This could be a portrait in the Art museums.

Why disapproves what youths do? Why not encourage them to do it in a right way?

Damn I sound like a lawyer. I can be the next Prime Minister.

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