Monday, February 26, 2007



So just let me do a random post. hahah.

50 random facts that you people did not know about me. Some of you might know lah, but just read okay.

1. I am half indian, a quarter chinese and a quarter peranakan. Like duh, so many people know this already. bobahs.

2. When i was young, my ambition was to be a fire truck. No, not a fireman or woman, but i fire truck. Because i felt that the fire truck was the one who saved people, with the emergency water, hoses and ladders. But i came out of this stupidity when i realised a few years after, that a fire truck is not a living thing.

3. I love scratching my forks and knives on the plate, making an eerie sound. Just love to irritate my mum.

4. i hate the sight of people picking their noses and rolling their snob into mini balls. It's plainly gross. Although i love to comment that eating your snob is healthy. hahah.

5. I hate the color pink. I don't know why, but i just hate it.

6. I love looking at the fairer sex. No, i'm not a lesbian, i'm straight. But i just love to comment and see all the different body shapes, they way they walk and what clothes suit them. I can be a very good "commenting partner" with the boys. We shall all see the different kind of girls,and we shall comment. Okay, moving on.

7. The first thing that catches my eyes of anyone, would be their shoes and their hair.

8. The main thing that really turns me off is people with bad manners.

9. I love day-dreaming, ALOT.

10. I think that people who fall in love with those j-pop, k pop artists are stupid, because you don't even understand what they're singing.

11. I still think that Jay Chou is famous just because people don't understand what he's singing , but act like they do.

12. I love heavy metal. Metallica, Slipknot and lordi are my tops.
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But i do love the oldies too. Songs by micheal buble, dean martin and elvis are just lovely.

13. I love watching cartoons. X-men evolution and spongebob are my favourites so far.

14. I hate watching scooby-doo.

15. I'll never watch any old type of movies. The ones where you can tell based on the color.

16. I think that the show " girls out loud" is a waste of time. They should pay that amount of money to get Phua Chu kang back.

17. I think that Rosalyn blogs better than wendy. But mr miyagi and mr brown are still the best, so far.

18. I dream of having cars like "tokyo drift" one day.

19. I want to retire at the age of 30.

20. My friends and i are a bunch of disasters. We do alot of stuff, or we just criticise on EVERYONE.

21. I have peed in a swimming pool before.

22. I love the feeling of scratching. I don't know why. but it just gives me a vey soothing sensation. hahah.

23. I want to be the first famale president in singapore one day. haha, yah right.

24. The only three things that you can bribe me with is chocolates, ice cream, and soft toys.

25. I have about 6-7 bin linen (the big black plastic bags) full of soft toys. i had more, but thwy were either given away or thrown away. I used to name every single one of them. And cried so much, whenever any one of them had to be thrown away, or given away.

Whee~ i'm half way through.

26. I still want that M&M chocolate dispenser.

27. I'm a sucker and go all weak when it comes to chocolate and rum and raisin ice cream.

28. I still want that Big patrick soft toy.

29. i used to love Astro boy catoons, but got bored of it.

30. I still love watching hi5 and barney and friends. Dora the explorer can really make you follow throughout the show.

31. People nick name me Cat, but i so hate Cats. They're scary when they come and rub in between your legs.

32. I want to be like CSI when i grow up. Or a criminal lawyer. But the big bucks would come from the lawyer dealing with divorce. Money money money.

33. I seldom get angry. i just get really pissed off, but can smile at you a second later.

34. I love throwing things out of the window. Things like tissue paper are small stuff. I've thrown yakult bottles, plastic bags full of junk before. I'm a big litter bug.

35. I have a tendency to look at what came out onto the tissue whenever i blow my nose.

36. I stopped drinking milk out of the bottle at the age of six. Big baby.

37. I still think that boys have cooties.

38. I have two dogs. One is a mix breed of silky terrier, the other is a dachshund. Sausage dog.

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39. I can bend my left thumb backwards till it touches my wrist. I don't know how or why, but i find it pretty cool.

40. I love eating these mini biscuits.

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41. i have a collection of mighty beans.

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oh boy.. I'm running out of facts.

42. I love running wild, laughing alot and just enjoying my time.

43. i'd rather watch paint dry than to go on a date, or go to meet someone whom i don't know.

44. I have had dreads done before.

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45. I want to blog and earn money at the same time, just like how all the famous bloggers do.

46. I love doing all the disgusting stuff (not really disgusting), things that normal girls wouldn't do. I'd rather be a tomboy than a sissy girl.

47. i hate mountain climbing. But i love sky diving and normal diving. Haven't tried them yet, but hearing from experienced people (my parents), i'm sure it's pretty exciting.

48. I hate going into shops where the sales assistants there trail you and follow you around like leeches. My mum went into a shop once, and this sales assistant even waited for her outside the fitting room! Stupid ass.

49. I love sharing ghost stories.But i hate it whenever my classmates "sabo" me to tell it infront of the class. Paiseh You know.

Last one, last one.

50. I study chinese but i have never passed it after entering WRS. i don;t know why. But i simply can't be bothered with it. But i get all nervous when there are tests and exams. And i get laughed at.

Hohoho, i've done this stupid random post, and i'm pretty satisfied with it. i hope that there are as many who would bother to do the same thing as me. It's pretty interesting after REFLECTING so many things that happened in 15 years. i can make a book out of my life when i retire!

moving on.

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