Saturday, October 20, 2012

New found music

Melanie Martinez

Found this charm one day while watching The Voice a few days ago. I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH HER.Caitlin Michelle is just as talented by the way (loved her Florence and The Machines cover).

Hannah Trigwell

Boyce Avenue led me to her :)

Bo Bruce

Was getting regular updates on my Youtube subscription, when I stumbled upon videos of her on The Voice UK. She sounds so much like the Cranberries!

Friday, October 05, 2012

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten...

I found out this morning that Adele released a new song, titled "Skyfall" for the upcoming James Bond movie. 

To be really honest, I was never a fan of James Bond and was also not a fan of the Quantum of Solace soundtrack for many reasons. However, you can never go wrong with Adele, so I gave Skyfall a listen. The moment I started playing the song, I never stopped.

I simply fell in love with it.

What I really like about Skyfall is that it encapsulates the whole James Bond 'vibe'; classy, confident, sexy, secretive, full of suspense, etcetera... Or to put it real simple; James Bond in his tuxedo.

(Yes, I prefer Sean Connery to any other person who has played James Bond. Just look at that face!)

It has been a while since I last got hooked to a song, and I am pretty sure this song is going to be on loop for a while. Goddess Adele has done it again!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Does this post even need a title

It has actually been nine months since I have submitted a blog entry (A child could have been born during the nine months of disappearance. Can you imagine that?!?).

Unfortunately, nothing much has happened over the nine months or year even. Except for the fact that I was bald for a period of time (in the bid to raise awareness about children who have cancer).

There was also a period of time whereby I thought it was cool to dye my head a shade of Smurf blue.Well,the initial plan was to have it in the shade of midnight blue, but as always...Shit happens.

And did I mention that I have already graduated from my Polytechnic (skipped the ceremony, and only came after it ended, to congratulate my friends. heh)?

Moving on from the mundane stuff...

There was an intention to continue updating my blog at the start of the new year, and I even had intentions of posting every week or so (trust me, I had a gazillion drafts; cannibalism, Adele being preggos, MCS Disorder, Oreo Gay Pride, and what-nots... But I never brought myself towards completing them). However, now that I've found my 'mojo' back, I realized that all the drafts are completely backdated and would hold no form of fascinating information. As such, I am scraping all of them, and will make plans to write new ones. 

So cheers to the fact that...

I'm not dead yet :)

Sunday, January 01, 2012

An apology

Dear you,

I just wanted to say... I'm sorry.

For all the trouble that I put you through. For the nights that we fought over unnecessary topics. For all the hurtful words that I hurled at you. For all the selfish stunts that I pulled on you. For not understanding you well enough. For all the unhappiness I caused. For wanting to give up. For being such a jerk.

Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made

I am amazed at how far we have gotten in this friendship despite the shit that I have put you through. No one deserves to go through all that stuff, not even you. I know that it is my fault and I know that it is a little too late, but I wish I could go back in time to take away all those memories.

At the start of the friendship, my main goal was to help you feel comfortable with yourself. To let you feel loved and supported, and to see the world through the eyes of another person. However, overtime, I realized that I was doing it all wrong. A friendship was not about changing a person, but rather accepting the person for who he is. But if I was struggling to come to terms with who I was, how was it going to be possible for me to accept others?

For a period of time, I hated myself a whole lot because I was offering you all the support and advice yet I was not even listening to myself. It was as though I was putting on a façade and I was so sick and tired of myself. I realized that it was not a game, and I was in no position to mould or influence you into becoming someone else because I was not any better. I had a ton of insecurities and as I struggled to live my life, the frustrations, pressures and hatred for life just began building up in me, and just when I was about to explode, you got in the way. And for that, I’m sorry.

There may not be much positive memories to this friendship because of the things that I have said and done, but one thing for sure is that you have taught me a whole lot about myself. I was so used to being independent and getting things done my way that I often failed to realize how my actions and words affected the people around me. Again, I’m sorry. You also taught me about perseverance and patience, and forgiveness and as I look back at this friendship, I realized that you were helping me more than I did. Mostly importantly, this friendship and you, reminded me of how much I missed being a kid again.

Truth is, I am envious of you. You've got the looks, the intelligence, the ability to pull anything off, and you've got people who love you and want nothing but the best for you. I just wish you could see all of this for yourself.

"All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise you something great will come out of it"

I don't know what is going to happen in 2012, but I am pretty sure that we will start moving on with our own lives. As such, I'd just want to thank you for being a part of my life in 2011. It was life-changing :)