Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The beat never dies down

It is appalling to know that till this day, there are people out there who think that Michael Jackson's death is a huge joke.

I don't give a shit if you are not a fan or disliked him for whatever reasons. No one is in any position to criticise, mock and make a bloody joke out of his death. Come on, you could at least
try to be humane and respect another person's death.

Even though I grew up listening to Michael Jackson, I am not able to recall every single song that he made. However, there are a few of my favourites.

These are the videos that I love since I was as young as 6. Despite not understanding the meaning to most of his songs back then, it was his moves that made me melt. I had a deeper admiration for him as I grew older. No one can top MJ's music. Not his moves, not his lyrics and never his strength and perseverance of all the hardship he had been through.

You Are Not Alone

Dirty Diana

Don't Stop Till You Get Enough

Click Here

Man In The Mirror


Why - Michael Jackson and 3T (His nephews). Why do they look so much like him? Amazing genes... So pretty looking!'s the video:

And on to my favourite videos back then. I was so crazy over these videos back then that I would come home from school, and play the tapes (that my family had recorded just so that I could see the music videos) over and over again. I think I even had a mini crush on him after seeing 'Smooth Criminal', which was my absolute favourite then. How I always wished I could be one of those three kids in the music video.

Did you realize that his music videos and songs were not the usual type of music? What I mean is that his songs and videos had stories behind them. And that is what makes him a legend.

Earth Song

Beat It

Click Here

Billie Jean

Heal The World (* Bimbo moment* I think this has the most beautiful lyrics ever, seriously.)


They don't really care about us

And of course, the favourite one when I was just 6 years old: Smooth Criminal

Till then.

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