Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Back in those days, advertising of products were either passed by 'word of mouth' or published in the newspapers. Brochures and pamphlets were also given out just for advertisement sake. However, many of us lead busy lives these days and we rarely get to move around, other than the routine of traveling to and fro from home to school/work. Brochures and pamphlets were often discarded as we found it ridiculous to be receiving pamphlets that had little or nothing to do with us. We do read the newspapers from time to time, but we seldom flip to the advertisements. Instead we only read to check on the latest cases, gossips, and TOTO results.

With modern technology, people these days need not worry about not having a franchise of their own company. This is because they can simply open up their own blogshops and 'blog hop' around, tagging people or rather, advertising about their blogshops. Needless to say, more and more people use the television and radio to advertise their products as well.

Sometimes it is these advertisements that make us peeved as it cuts down on the 'amount' of the drama series that we get to watch. I remember back then, my brothers and I would always complain that "a 30 minutes show got 3 minutes advertisement after the theme song starts. Then in between got 3-4 advertisment. Like that only watch 10 minutes of show loh". As much as I hate to admit, I still do complain about the advertisements every now and then.

Over time, I got to realize that the advertisements actually had some plus points too. Even though they took up time from our television programmes, we actually get to see of the new products in the market, new television programmes coming soon and even new shops in town. All of this without having to leave our home, so why complain? Well, Singaporeans as we are, nothing is satisfying enough to us.

Complain all you want, but have you ever stop to think of how much creativity the advertisers have just so that they can catch our attention to watch the advertisement for that few seconds without complaining and switching channels?

Have your songs stopped and pause all other softwares as this post will be making your computer very laggy. Enough talk, on to the videos!

Cheers Commercial Thailand

Janice and Gina had a hard time describing the videos, but I still found it hilarious as they went to every detail (while we were in the train) just so that I understood. I immediately checked the video out upon reaching home and believe it or not, it was exactly the same as how they described. Really hilarious video (3 in 1) where the people exaggerate by celebrating 'every little thing in life' with Cheers.

Another hilarious advertisement from Thailand, promoting the benefits of exercise.

Yet another awesome thailand advertisement!

I caught this advertisement when I was on a trip in Malaysia. It's a Thailand advertisement again, but look at the creativity of having a story of a lizard commiting suicide for the sake of his other half that had fallen through a crack in the ceiling.

Another Thai commercial that Gina described to me.

And another Thai commercial

Yet another commercial where Gina showed and described.

Before you want to do anything embarressing, just make sure no one's watching.

And the last commercial is a really touching one. Just watch:

Till then.

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