Thursday, April 10, 2008

Biography 101

Okay, I know that having a blog, people would want to know more of the person who owns it. And so, I have decided to come up with a post has information of me.

Well, I prefer it to be more like a quiz, and so I'll state the random things about me!

1) My full name is G. Kethlyn Gayatiri. The G actually stands for my dad's name. Yes, that short as compared to a typical Indian's name with the "d/o ....." Kethlyn is not a common name, and it kind of sucks to not find my name in the "word" keychains. Well, as complicated as it looks, it's actually pronounced as Kath-leen. My mum chose my name from an old cowboy show whose lead actress's name was Kathlyn. Gayatiri is my Hindu name. Idiots would always call me kaya-tree, which I find really offensive. Well, it is actually pronounced as Guy-thri. I do have a mandarin name. Well, it's not really useful, since it was chosen by my kindergarten teacher. And it is : kai te lin.

2) Well, as you can see, I do have a number of names. Now that is because I am of mixed blood. Well, more like mixed heritage. My dad's Indian, and his whole family tree are Indians. My mum, on the other hand, has a more unique family tree. Her mum's peranakan (straight from Malacca) and her dad is from China. But from her mum's side, there are Javanese, Pakistan, Eurasians, you name it. And so, I don't really know what "blood" I have in me. But my race is Tamil of course, from my dad. But I am often mistaken as a Malay. Oh well..

3) I am not the only child. I am however, the only girl, daughter that is, in my family. I am also the youngest. I do have two brothers, Vernon and Jason. And we are as close as ever. They treat me like a boy, and we wrestle, piggyback and all, despite them being over 20 years old!

4) My parents are from the Commandos. But my dad's the only one with the strict rules. My brothers and I treat my mum like our best friend. We tell her secrets that no one else knows about, and we play tricks on her and stuff like that. She too, do do nasty pranks on us too!

5) My birthday happens to fall on Good Friday in 2009! The 10th of April.

6) I don't have a favourite colour, nor do I entirely dislike a certain colour. I feel that any colour would look great so long as they are matched with the right combination. But I personally prefer warmers colours, which I call 'shades of Autumn', because I'm cool like that.

7) I can't live without my bead bracelets. I dress in clothes that do not follow trends whatsoever. I don't have a personal style, I just dress in what's comfortable.

8) I do want to start up an Orphanage for kids and Animal Shelter for the poor strays and abandoned. And I will make it a mission, even if it takes years for me to do it.

9) I like wearing baggy clothes. Just so that when people go "Gosh, how come your clothes so loose!", I would happily pull the pants/shirt and loudly exclaim "I lost weight!". Even though I don't really lose weight, I love the feeling of tricking my brain into believing that I lost weight, so that I'll love myself even more. Hahah.

10) Despite being a "modern" kid, I do love the olden days' games like flying kites, and having family day out. I feel that the schedules nowadays are so jammed packed with activities that many of us tend to not have bonding sessions with our families, which I find, is the most important.

11) I love to write. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't to others. But I want to have a column in the papers one day.

12) I have a very odd habit. And that is, to observe people. I can actually spend a whole day, watching people as they pass by me. I would be so intrigued by how they dress, walk or even talk. I call it "People-watching".

16) Despite being only 1/4 Peranakan, I totally am in love with their dishes. I would love to cook them someday, provided I learn to tolerate their traditional long winded methods. But I do hope that the Perakan culture does not die out. Long Live Peranakans!

17) I curse/cuss/ use colourful languages/ say profanities, but it's not very often like some hooligan. It's not that I think it's super cool or 'too tuff' or even try to be 'unfeminine'. I just find that profanities hold a deeper sense of anger/frustration which could really add colours to your sentence. But I do dislike people who think that cussing in public loudly is cool. Wait till I tell your mama ah..

18) I love being in places and using things that I am familiar with. But at the same time, it wouldn't kill for some adventure.

19) I love my family, because everyone is so open minded that cussing in front of them, wouldn't really give them a heart attack. We can talk about crushes, to wars, to supernaturals, any topic at all.

20) I want to be recognized for my 'uniqueness'. But till now, it has never happened to me. I am still waiting for this moment to come!

21) I have issues with people who whine about their life to everyone. It's pretty ironic since I'm the one with the 'whiney' title, but still, I don't go around, dragging people's self esteem with me.

22) I am a free thinker. It's not that I don't believe in God, it's just that I don't think I can handle the responsibilities of a religion. 'Why worry about Heaven when you can't even handle Earth'?

23) I have smoked a cigarette once. I disliked the taste of it, and would never ever smoke one again. I don't really despise smokers because I think that these people work and earn the money, so they have every right to smoke their money away. If they die from lung cancer, that's their problem. They're fine in my zone so long as I am nowhere near the second hand smoke.

24) I do drink alcohol. In fact, I like it alot. I am not boasting about it, because I hate it when people boast of themselves drinking booze when they're underage, and acting all drunk. I don't have to drink it sneakily, I drink with my family. Like I said, my family is a bunch of open minded people, and we only drink when the occasion calls for it, except for Vernon and my dad.

25) I love hearing stories about the supernatural. I love it when people share stories with me, and I think the scariest I've heard, are the ones from army camps.

26) I love vintage decorations. This applies to everything, from clothes to home decorations. I love and am attracted to Indian/Bohemian/ Egyptian/African designs. I love the exotic taste to it, but I don't think I'd ever dress entirely in them, as said earlier, I don't follow trends.

27) I get my inspirations while seating in the toilet, from people, books, movies, songs, things I see with my eyes, experiments and experience.

28) I like watching Taboo, and I love documentaries about animals and cultures. I also love watching Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural and watching LA ink.

29) I love watching horror movies, especially ones from Thailand. But I wouldn't want to pay $10 to scare the shit out of me, so I watch them online. I don't like romance but it wouldn't hurt if there is some gore to it. I love SAW too. No, I'm not sadistic, I just love how the 'games' are planned in the movie.

30) I am too optimistic to be a pessimist, but to pessimistic to be an optimist. Go figure.

31) I befriend people who are beautiful on the inside, and wouldn't give two shits about their outer beauty.

32)After watching the movie “Bucket List”, I found out that the Ancient Egyptian had a beautiful belief about death.

When the soul got to the entrance of the heaven God asked them 2 questions and the answer determine whether they were admitted or not.The 2 questions were "Have you found joy in your life?" and "Have your life brought joy to others?"

Thus, I am making this a learning point in Life, by fulfilling the two questions by making a joy out of every day.

33) I am still in search for True Happiness.

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