Friday, September 28, 2007

Catherine Tate

I figured that having to constantly update at the 101 Dalmatians was a bother. Readers would have to keep scrolling down just to read the whole thing. So I've decided to stop it for now. I'll maybe continue it when the exams are over. And I'll probably make it in series so that you guys don't have to keep scrolling down.

And i wouldn't want to keep making that much enemies before i age because by the time i die, i wouldn't have anyone to come to my funeral to. Hahah.

But, just one point to update to the 101 Dalmatians. This point is the only one in which i keep facing nowadays.It's tiresome, and bothering. But hey, no one ever wants a boring, laidback life that by the age of 20, you'll develop a love for couches and nap times and that you'll have to take a nap just because you used up energy finding for the tv remote control. Well, i'll just get to the point.

11. People who love to take their time.
You see, i HATE waiting for people. And i certainly hate people who take their own sweet time to do things. Like i have a group of classmates(girls to be exact), who take their bloody own sweet time to walk up the stairs. I mean if you want to do that, don't block the whole stairway! They walk in groups and conquer the whole stairway that it makes it impossible for us to overtake them. And this pisses me off early in the morning just because my class is on top floor and i have to go through the slow motion just to reach class.

And i also have friends who always arrive late for whatever meet-ups. When i was younger, i would 'fuck' the person off, and walk away. Or if i have not leave home yet, i would just turn that person down. I seriously can't stand people who can't be punctual at all. Stupid shitheads.

But now, i can't screw people up because i learn a new word called "feelings". Sensitivity screws up everything and because of feelings, people fall in love, girls cry and guys get jealous because their girl is flirting around and not spending quality time with them. Okay, this is getting more nonsensical and MTV styled that if i don't stop, my dogs will turn into those MTV pimped up dogs and walk around calling people " yo waddup dude" or "hey sexy lady. look at my bling". Like i said, this is nonsensical. I guess this is what happens to kids who skip school too often, have their brains filled with theories of school's subject syllabus and obly to forget them on the actual day of the exam. Pfft.

Anyway, the language papers were dreadful. I'll probably flunk my English summary which costs me 25 marks. Its bloody hard to actually summarize so many points in 150 words or less, and actually make it make sense. pfft.
Chinese was disastrous. I was pretty confident of at least passing the paper because i understood the first half of the paper. But flipping to the other half of the paper, disappointments and failure began invading my thoughts. The paper was set b Mr.Fan and i am sure that 1/2 of it was China kind of Chinese. Really!

Moving on...

The whole post just brings down to the ending actually. See the title of this post? Yes, it reads Catherine Tate. And no, it's not me. The name belongs to a great English comedienne and actress who was famous for her BBC comedy series, The Catherine Tate show. Catherine Tate is really good at her job and i was really amazed at her comedy series. She's like the female version of Mr.Bean, only that she does talk and she doesn't do those cuckoo dances that MR.Bean does.

Just watch and you'll soon be laughing too.

Note: Catherine Tate and her friends respond to anything by saying "alright". I guess it's their way of greeting.

Catherine Tate, periodic table

Catherine Tate, The wedding

And my all time favourite,

Catherine Tate, Translator.

You could go to Youtube to view more of her masterpieces.

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