Thursday, September 20, 2007

ICCS & 101 Dalmations?

Sorry for the "no time to update", or totally "MIA-ing" in blogging people. Well, I've got no excuse actually. Anyway, moving on.

ICCS was great. For those who have no idea what that is, it's the international coastal cleanup at Sungei Loyang.
I was grouped with Jeslynn, Aainaa, Jia Hao and hong chiong.
The whole thing was how i expected it to be. We got stuck in muddy areas, had to walk through pencil roots, got poked in the eye by some of the branches. But it was FUN. And to add to it, it actually rained halfway. Was disappointed that it got canceled, but we managed to walk through the stream which was around knee high. This event actually made me realize that i was the only goofy one around. Because, while others were really concentrating on picking up the rubbish, i was looking at the crabs, snails and so on. And this somehow, pissed my team mates. hahah, i couldn't help it man. I'm just curious.

Anyway, that's just a brief summary on what happened. I don't have any pictures with me, so i wouldn't bother elaborating or creating any stories like the one i did for Alkaff(Alkaff is love!). Let's just move on.

Anyway, as you can see from my blog title it states something about 101. Well, it isn't the dogs but 101 things on the dumbest/idiotic/frustrating things that people do to piss me off. Let's just start.

Oh, i don't think i would manage to reach a hundred and one, but let's just see how it goes.

1. People telling each other secrets while there are other people around.

Let's make it easier to understand:
There was a meet-up with a group of three great friends. Everything was going well. But suddenly, A walked to B and whispered something to her, leaving C all awkward and stupid-looking.

Now obviously, there was a long pause of silence. i mean how rude can it be when everyone is laughing and then suddenly you had to be so idiotic to tell a secret to someone, making that odd silence?!

Well, I've experienced this odd silence before, or should i say, ALOT of times. Not only do these idiotic people tell secrets, some of them write it down and show it to the partner in crime. I felt awkward and wanted to just leave the place. I mean if you had so much secret to tell, and if you loved telling others what the secret is, then just invite them! Why do people like these have to embarrassed people like us? And now, i feel stupid for not walking away. I should have.

2. People telling me important things/tasks to be done, last minute.

I seriously can't stand this. Like a few weeks ago, a friend messaged me like 5 plus in the morning telling me that i had to do/bring some things to school. I didn't have the things and so i "screwed" her, replying " how the fucking hell do you expect me to get the things at 5 plus in the morning when school starts at 7?!"
I hate this alot, and to those people who have done this to me, but have not received nasty replies back, just you wait. Pfft.

3.People forgetting to tell me something important.

I don't care if you have a better life to busy with, if it's important, tell. Don't give fucked up excuses plus innocent face which goes " oh, i forgot."

I admit that i have been forgetful but i have NEVER forgotten to inform others if they have to play a part in something. If i forget something, i would probably forget it only if it involves me.
You know when you forget something, you're practically sabotaging that person, be it directly or indirectly. And that sucks okay.

4. People getting all the praises for doing something great, but the actual person/people who were actually working their ass off, didn't get any praise at all, not even a comment, instead they got looked down on.

Now, I've got alot of occasions to link this to. But I'd rather not, for the fact that people would definitely start flooding my tag board with hate mails. Whatever. Just know that it doesn't hurt to comment people. Great leaders get the praises and get all the crap thrown at them to. Leaders bring the team to fame first, always before themselves. I guess this is what happens when you're divided into two groups in school: Student councillors, and Student population.

5. Speaking of Student Leaders and Student population, the next one is about how stupid show off twirps actually like to compare. Saying "oh, you're in the student population." or " Student leaders have badges". Screw that. So what if you have a badge or a red tie? I know, some of you might say: you were once us.
Yes i agree, but one of the reason why i quit was because of you guys.
I must say that you guys did a GREAT job for planning of what-ever, i can't remember. And for that i must give you a Standing ovation. But when it comes to responsibility, i doubt many of you have that. And the more i think of it, the more i agree with Redzuan. But one thing is different between the two of us, i didn't say you guys suck, i don't go around discriminating you guys. I mean i do have friends you are student leaders. But i believe that there are greater ones in the school, that have not been "standing out" yet. Sometimes, i feel it's biased, but what can i say? Different people have different points of views.
Student leaders shouldn't be blasting their hand phones in class, reading other subject book/story book, scolding vulgarities, having to wear a hairband but with her fringe all out if it?. and to even have their culottes folded or above the knee. I mean, if "Mr.Siva's one percent" can do it, why not the rest of us?

I know this may be insulting and you guys may start saying that Kethlyn sucks and she's a bitch and all. But if you're really mature, you should take all these remarks seriously, and work on it with your team. i mean, I'm not only attacking the SC, but the SLCs too. Because some of the incidents mentioned above do involve some of the SLCs. And come on now, to think you guys are going to be our parliament, you gotta' do a better job than this right?

6.People who really need to grab attention.

You know it comes to a point where you're a attention seeker, or a person you really is outstanding.
Attention seekers, well at least to me, means that you really need people to notice you, and that you'll probably die if no one does. Attention seekers can also be people who one a certain "someone" to at least respond, or turn their heads to look at you. for example: B was talking to C and A(attention seeker) noticed that. That's when all the fun starts. A will go over and interrupt, or try to say something funny. If B thanks C for something, A will also try to figure out something to thank C for. Or the whole thing can twist. If A and B were shopping or in school, and sees C, A will start laughing aloud, trying to see if C notices. Or A will practically stalk C, call C every now and then, or just tag along with C, "fit in", if you know what i mean.

Well, peeps, I'll stop here for now. I'll update soon. And try to complete the 101 thingy okay. Till here, study hard, and good luck for the exams.

Oh, and just to let you know, the above things mentioned aren't supposed to hurt anyone. It's just my way of voicing out my opinions man.


Instead of studying, i took time off the weekends to bake cookies. Yes, i CAN bake. I,myself was pretty shocked that i cook bake. Hahah.All i could say is, great accomplishment, and you guys should try my cookies.

Anyway, further updates on "101 dalmations?" I don't think I'll create a new post until I've completed at least 50? of this crap. I should say it's pretty tough typing all those hate-tags out because not only will i make more enemies, I'd spent more time trying to push mini cube-like letter looking thingys with my fingers. haha, okay crap. Let's start.

7. You guys know that i dislike the SLCs pretty much. And it's not because I'm jealous okay, you dumb fucks. Although i dislike them, i have a greater tendency to hate those who give the SLCs a pretty hard life. I'm not being biased or anything but sometimes i feel that those who give the prefects a hard time, are such disappointments. Not only to themselves, the school but their parents too. You never know who's watching you perform your stupid tricks or if you preferred them to be called " cool stuff". It's just plain stupid. I'll show an example.
There was one day when one of the prefects asked this bunch of sec 2 girls (who practically had 3/4 of their hair in front of their faces, thinking it's all so bloody pretty and cool.), to move to the Quadrangle. What pissed me off was that they totally ignored the prefect,although he was trying his best to not raise his voice at them. Furthermore, they remained sitted on the floor and every time the prefect asked them to move, they cover their ears or they purposely talk louder so as to PRETEND to not hear the prefect's orders. Now in this scenario, it shows perfectly that this stupid bunch of girls are actually digging their own grave. I wouldn't blame the prefect if he called Mr Siva to handle this. But if i were the prefect, i would go up to them, slap them real hard and stare at them. I mean, what's the point in trying to be defiant against the prefects? They have their roles to play and they're just doing their job and if you don't want to get into trouble, you jolly well move your ass to the quadrangle. I think this bunch of girls are retarded. Either they were taught by their parents to Pretend to not listen by covering their ears and talk louder, or they think it's so cool. Like i said, they're retarded, for the fact that they already have 3/4 hair covering their face. So much for trying to be glam. Such a fashion disaster, altogether combined with their irregular folded culottes and their stupid shirts tucked out or with lace.
I used to be like this when i was younger. But thank god that somehow Maturity came to me at the right time, and slapped me back to reality. I guess you girls need to wait for maturity to fall on you, or i could slap you back to reality. Easy.

8. This one affects me the most. I don't know why but i have one of the strongest hate to these bunch of people. Te ones who hate their parents and don't cherish them at all.
If you don't know, your mom had to practically go through 9 months carrying YOU in her stomach. She had to suffer so much for you, just so that you could be born into this world. Further more, she had to lose so much blood and withstand all the pain just to give birth to you on your birthday, which after that, they try to have at least a cake bought or done for you annually, just so that you could celebrate your birthday. While your mom was pregnant, your dad and your mom(read: She's still pregnant!) had to work their asses off, just to provide hot meals for you everyday. And after you were born, they had to buy clothes for you, toys to entertain you, and eventually send yo off to school. Over the years, you demand for clothes and new stuff would increase, you think hanging around with parents ain't that cool, you'd prefer to hang around with your friends. But think, could your friends bring you into this life? You hang around with your friends( those type who hate their parents too) too often that you got pretty much influenced by them, or as i put it, you got brainwashed. You start hating your parents so much that you hate going home, or when you're at home, you lock yourself in your room, only to come out for relief/toilet breaks. Do you have any idea how cool your parents are? i mean you can actually make them cool, yes,by yourself. Talk to them, share your feelings with them, and update them on all the newest fashion/gossip/games and so on. I used to be detached from my family too, but i made an effort. Whenever i came home from school, i would tell my parents what happened, from the funniest stuff that happened, to the dreadful mother tongue lessons. And in return, they shared their days with me. It was meaningful because i felt loved, just because we could click well enough. Don't come home late, not informing your parents, don't yell at them, slam doors at them. Because you never know how much they had sacrificed just to bring you into this world. They may have even given up their dreams just to let you live. They don't owe you a living, in fact, you owe them tonnes more. Their hard earned money is spent by you just so that you could be "in" and follow the trend just to be cool. You're a part of them, and you'll always regret why you weren't close enough to them, once you lose them. So cherish them ad let them feel loved, in return, you'll be loved.

9. You're probably bored right now, for all the long, lengthy paragraphs, but what can i say, explanations are always long. Anyway, the next one is about people, especially students who have no respect for the adults. Like in school, we(including me) talk about teachers without addressing them with Mr/Ms/Mdm/Mrs sometimes. But i don't go to an extend where we address them or call them/talk to them without addressing them as Mr/Ms/Mdm/Mrs. I'll quote an example again.
Friday, a teacher was going home and this bunch of idiotic girls who were so attention seeking, with their culottes and hair, and their ridiculously loud voices, noticed the teacher going home and instead of saying Goodbye Mr(name), they actually shouted (name) and waved idiotically at him. I was obviously pissed off. I mean, who the hell are you to address an adult by his name? Stupid or what? Teachers/staffs should be respected, and not have their names idiotically shouted across the canteen, to the quadrangle. The teacher was pissed, of course, and asked them to lower down the volume. I guess he was just nice enough to not spit at them or yank their ears off and tell them that they lacked the word "Mr" in front of his name. Stupid kids. hahah. This includes stupid kids who talk so rudely to the teachers too. I understand if you're brought up that way, but like i said, adults don't owe you a living. If they reprimand you, it's probably your fault, so quit acting innocent. Stupid.

10. People who always think that Indian are filthy idiots, the males are practically chee-ko-pehs(inclusive of Bangladesh workers). Now people, if you think that indians are such idiots, think again. They're just like you humans, just because they're darker, doesn't mean there's a necessity to insult them. See, i'm half indian too and i can't stand the fact that almost 1/2 of my friends have this thinking towards Indians. Indians can be as successful as the other races, for example, the almighty subhas anandan. The famous lawyer who won almost every case and freed accused/suspects of murder,rape or whatsoever. If you don't want people to judge you for how you look, then don't judge people for how they look, or just because they're Indians.

And again, I'll end here. My fingers are numb, I'm sick and down with gastric flu(for the past two weeks, and it sucks) and my dogs' sleeping on my bed. Okay, random.

1 comment:

  1. HI Kethlyn, sorry to hear you guys got rained out. I'll be posting Sg Loyang photos out once I get the CD.

