Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I feel uncomfortable

Okay, i totally forgot to write some stuff which i encountered during the holidays,i know i should put the past behind me, but who cares? I love remembering the tough and hard times which i went through rather than remembering the happy times. I know i'm weird but this is the way i am.

okay, here goes.
I won't put names in because, i just don't want to.

As most of you know, i'm a prefect and i have to go back to school during the holidays because of some dumbass meetings. And during these stupid meetings, we have breaks.

And i hate the times where we have breaks because most of the times, i have to sit alone , while this person asks everyone to sit at her table. But luckily, i had two "friends" who some sort of 'pitied' me and asked me to join in. Obviously, that person wasn't happy about it.

i don't mind being called a rebellious when i'm with the prefects, because it's obvious that i don't fit in. Most of them just don't know the difference of being them, and being someone special. Rebellious have 2 different meanings and i am taking option 1.

you see rebel can mean

1. Some one who fights for their own rights, be it standing up for oneself or for someone else whether for bullying or other stuff.

2. A word more of the same meaning as defiance. This means that someone scolds vulgarities, being stupid, attention seeking and being a great bully and a pain in the ass. These people are more like "gangsters" to me.

okay, anyway. This person, also happens to be in the same class as me right now, and i'm hating it alot.

Most of my friends may know who i'm talking about, and that's fine. Because i'm sure you guys don't like her that much too.

Why be so cocky and show me so much hatred when she's so much better than me? I'm not even stealing her limelight.

I mean, every teacher adores her for being so outspoken and thanks to that, she's the emcee/host for like almost all events held in school.

Some of my friends say that she's taking me as a competitor. Like why?I'm like the most hated prefect you'll ever see. And i'm more of an anti-social. I don't go to parties, i don't talk to teachers, i don't try to act outspoken and plan to help out in prom, or whatever events. I just want to stay small, and unnoticed. Because i'm in a bigger mess than before. Every time i try to hide, people come and fight. Ohh, that sorta rhymes.


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