Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dog, Rambutan, Penguin, Pig, Birds, Me!

Friends are really hard to come by. Once you break that certain bond between you and that friend, it's really hard to plaster everything back. Agree?

I don't care how it'll turn out, but I'll definitely blog about it. Coz' it's been bugging me ever since certain things happened.

Well, let's just give a few nicknames before i start my story.

Penguin = a male , mad bird's boyfriend, or ex. I don't care.

Mad bird = a female , penguin's girlfriend, or ex, i don't care.

Crazy Dog = My good friend who used to like Penguin

Tweety Bird = My friend who acts PRETTY well.

Pig = Mad Bird's enemy, but a really good friend to me.

Rambutan = My good friend who also HAD certain issues with penguin. hahaha. Abit too harsh right.

And me.

Okay, So let's begin.

You see, i am in the same class as penguin and crazy dog. And it seems that crazy dog has already gotten over Penguin. And somehow we feel that someone else in my class likes him, and we shall name that girl EAGLE. Crazy Dog and i have been "monitoring" EAGLE ever since i realized that something was wrong. hahah.

And, Crazy Dog and mad bird have not been good friends when Mad bird realized that crazy dog used to like penguin. I guessed that she was jealous, because she wanted penguin to be hers? And be her one and only perfect guy.
Anyhow, after realizing that crazy dog was over penguin, mad bird suddenly became so close to crazy dog. It was awkward as me, rambutan, tweety bird and crazy dog felt that something wasn't right. I mean, wouldn't you feel awkward if your enemy suddenly became to good to you?

And, Mad bird and i are good friends. And mad bird hates this certain person, who is pig. Pig is my good friend too, which makes me the middle man, trying to defend each side. Tough job, i gotta' admit. But i find it not really fair because Mad bird has been going around telling people that i hate pig too. Unfair? YES!

So people have been asking me why i hate pig so much, which in fact is not true.

Okay, so on Friday alot of things have been happening. We laughed alot, and we discussed alot. We = me, rambutan, tweety bird and crazy dog.

And we commented alot on penguin , which made mad bird sort of angry and pissed off at us. See, she's sort of avoiding me right now.

And so, mad bird is somehow trying to get close to all my friends, which i do not see the reason why. And she's always staying silent, as though eavesdropping on our conversation. And she acts cool, or feminine whenever penguin is around. And of course, i can't stand that.

Mad bird's giving me quite alot of stress because she turns sour whenever i talk about penguin. As though, it's my fault. Stupid.

And i hate being the middle man. For once, can't everything be settled without getting me involved?

I don't really want to lose my friendship with mad bird, so that means that i have to avoid penguin? What am i supposed to do?

And peeps, don't come asking me who these people are. I'm not telling. Though,it seems pretty obvious who's who. hahaha.

I know it's confusing, only the people who understand me, get what i mean.

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