Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Romanian Orphanage

When the 'child' is mentioned, what comes to your mind? 

To many, an image of a child comes to mind; A healthy, happy child, either playing by the playground or with friends; one who explores and loves being close nature; A child who has the privilege of having all their needs met (air, water, food, shelter, and even love); A child who has never-ending fun. 

Many assume that all the children on Earth are given that privilege. I beg to differ. Not every child is that lucky. Not too long, a lecturer of mine showed my cohort a video of an orphanage. Now, to the normal naive mind, many would think that an orphanage is a haven to children without any parents. The video below would change your mind about your assumptions. 

It pained my heart to see the children placed in such a living condition. All of them seemed so identical to each other, even though they were all not related. Was it because of the environment? The upbringing? The physical and psychological treatments? No child deserves to be given such a treatment. Every child has the right to live a proper life, with their needs met. 

Thankfully, John "Johnny" Upton came to their rescue.

Sometimes, the reason why I hate volunteering or doing humanitarian stuff is because I am not able to reach out to everyone. Just like in the video, John Upton had to leave behind so many children because of the incomplete paperwork from their parents, or the director of the orphanage. The worst part is that, the child does not understand why he or she is being left behind, and that moment, they lose belief in themselves, the people around them, and in life. Even though coming up with an intervention is a good thing because one is making a difference, the guilt in not being able to help everyone outweighs the positivity in the interventions.

Despite all that, I hope that this video can put an end to all the hate and torture children go through. They are just too young, innocent and naive to know what is going on, or to do anything to stop it. They do not deserve such treatment, and I hope that whoever who is responsible who get punished eventually. 

My plea for now is to hope that we all do our part to help or ensure that the young and the innocent get a chance to live a proper life. 

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