Saturday, September 12, 2009

To those who publish their quizzes on Facebook

We all know how popular Facebook is. It not only allows us to connect with our long lost friends, but it also allows my Dad and the entire family generation to add me so that they can check on me and the kind of language or topics that I share on Facebook.

However, Facebook has become more popular for its quizzes. When I realized that there was an ongoing trend of people flooding my homepage with results from quizzes, I gave up.

No one really cares how hot you are, how long your penis should be or how sexy you are. It's this people who gladly post their results, that need assurance of how sexy/hot you are because you already knew that you were not hot/sexy in the first place. Technology screwed your mind BADLY...

No one also cares if your soulmate starts with M or J or S. I bet you redid the quiz over and over again to get the results you wanted just so that you could prove to people that you and Michael/Jane/Stupid are SO PERFECT to be together forever and ever.

And no one really cares if you have 1% chance or whatever percentage to date the girls/guys from some Korean band, or even Megan Fox. Reality check, it just shows how desperate you are, and how you can rank yourself in a higher status than your friends who got worst results. That's just lame.

Lastly, to those who uses the "All my friends" application and even take the hassle to tag every friend involved. Please stop. I don't give a shit if the computer thinks I'm poor, ugly or agreeable. Stop playing God for a minute and come back to Earth. No one cares of what you think or what that stupid application 'classify' me as, unless your friends are just like you.

What do I mean by 'just like you'. Well, if you're one of them who has been flooding your friends' Facebook news feed and honestly think that it's no harm, then you're wrong. What's bad is that you don't even realize that the reason why you're doing all these in the first place is to prove something to everyone else. But seriously, no one's bothered.

Catherine Tate!

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