Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Holiday = No Holiday

Its the March Holidays now. It doesn't seem like a holiday to me though, mainly because we have more homework piled on our desk as compared to a normal school day.

It's Wednesday already, and "MS Lazy" is starting to kick in, but soon after I indulge in some feast or be amused by some entertainment, the God of Reality begins kicking me in my ass, pushing "MS lazy" away with all her procrastinations. I then get punished and have to head to my desk to complete my homework. But within minutes of intense doodling, I begin to doze off and before you know, I'm in my dreamland, only to wake up with a rude shock of drool all over my arms and paper.

Come on, everyone needs a break. An average human can never work 24/7 without rest,entertainment or plainly slacking around. If you're reading this and am completely disagreeing to it, you are a robot.

Schools shouldn't call holidays as holidays if they are planning to throw tonnes of homework as us. Instead, it should be called "Days where you are trained to be a robot".

Teachers always think that we, students are wasting time watching TV, playing computer games and all, when we SHOULD be studying, reading or doing something relevant to studies.
True, I agree on that. But inside each and everyone of us, there lies a kid who seems to not sit still for a mere second, finding books boring and having to be FORCED to study instead of appreciating the opportunity to study. I mean, you can't blame us. Blame the kid in us.
Then there's parents. My parents for example, hate to see me studying. Most parents have this concept of home as a place for family bonding or something like that.. And will definitely take their children out for holiday trips during March and June Holidays.
So, picture this scenario where a child has tonnes of homework to be done in a week. The child being frustrated enough at the short amount of time to complete these homework. And to add to that, parents who think that these holidays should be spent in family outings and things that can bond the family. And the child (already peeved) gets scolded by his/her parent because of spending too much time locked up in the room. Parents blame it on "the time where Adolescence think that family is not important". But in actual fact, we are actually doing our homework!


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