Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spirit Day

Spirit day.

The date was marked on my calendar. I had been waiting for this event for a while now. And finally, when the clock stroke twelve, the mission began. A mission so great, that it could probably create a revolution.

What exactly am I talking about? Well, it is none other than Spirit Day.

I had spent the last few hours asking people if they knew what Spirit Day was about, or if they knew why 20th October was such a significant day. To my horror, no one knew what Spirit Day was, and the only significant thing about today, to them, was that it was 20102010. 

However, after I explained to them what Spirit Day is about, many of them were apologetic and sang praise of the people supporting this cause (but why didn't they join the cause too? I should've asked.).

Well, if you (the reader) have no clue as to what Spirit Day is, click here and here to read about it.

In short, 20th October, a.k.a Spirit Day is an unofficial 'holiday' to honor the six boys (below) and many others who gave up their lives to homophobic abuse. Being victimized and having to go through the torment, pain and suffering in school, at home and everywhere else is traumatizing. It is cruel to let these innocent people be judged and trampled on, because they are of the minority.

* Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh (top)
* Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase (middle)
* Asher Brown, Billy Lucas. (bottom)

So to honor them, people from various walks of life are coming together to support them by putting on purple. Out of all the colours, purple was chosen to honor them because it represents 'Spirit' in the Rainbow flag that was created by Gilbert Baker.  


The rainbow flag was first created in 1978, with eight coloured stripes, but by 2008, the design was changed several times due to the availability of the fabrics. Nonetheless, the meanings of the various colours on the initial designs are:

hot pink: sexuality
red: life
orange: healing
yellow: sunlight
green: nature
turquoise: magic/art
indigo/blue: serenity/harmony
violet: spirit

Let's put an end to all the hate. Afterall, we bleed red.

Do you? 

Click here to find out more about how you can help to make a change.

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