Saturday, April 03, 2010

5 mean things you've done?

In home or in school?

Well, I've never done anything mean at home. I love them too much to hurt them. But I do pull pranks of them. The meanest one would be to make my brother play the maze game with the volume full blast.

On the other hand, I've got way too much history for the things I've done in school (pri and sec), some of my friends should know about it. Anyways, the 5 meanest things would be:

1. Put glitter on the projector (tagged team work with someone(: Hahah).
2. Pour glue on the teacher's table (the teacher actually thought it was drool!).
3. Put double sided tape on the teacher's chair (again, tagged team work (: Heh)
4. Vandalize an entire toilet about someone (again tagged team)
5. I can't decide between spamming someone and then pretend I'm not that person, throwing a sweet at someone's face and bursting out in laughter (though it was unintentional), and tripping my teacher by tying my classmate's table and mine with correction tape (tagged team again!).

I'm actually a very nice person you know.

Pick my brains...

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