Thursday, March 25, 2010

Random updates

Hi guys. I know that I used to blog almost everyday, but it seems like my brain is kind of dry ever since I started school. Hence the lack of updates, whines, or 'research'. However, I still do visit this site every now and then to check back on the tagboard and also to try to come up with stuff to put up on this site. Unfortunately, this site does not really a hold a spot in my hear anymore (hahah, like a break-up letter man..).


But I still do blog occasionally. So keep up with the tags and stuff yeah?

Anyways, if you're wondering what I've been up to this holidays, you're going to be disappointed. No, I mean it.

I haven't really been up to anything, other than eat, sleep, tumblr, more tumblr, even more tumblr. But I've been reading alot too, especially on Creepypasta, at the library or bookshops, some e-books that I downloaded, and stuff I just randomly stumble upon. Apart from that, nothing much has been going on in my life. Other than the fact that I'm slowing losing the capability of remembering or recognizing some of the people I know (whaaaat... saying that I forgot seems.. harsh).

Anyways, if you happen to read this and want to follow me on my tumblr, Click Here!
If you want me to follow you, just give me a shout out okay!

Till then, or never ever.

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