Tuesday, November 21, 2006

quizzes AGAIN

I seriously have no idea on what to blog about. But syuhada, helped me solve my problem by sabotaging me to do some sort of a random quiz. Yippee, how fun.

moving on, here's the random facts quiz thingy majig.

6 Random facts about myself. Oh fuck, i'd have to brainstorm on that.

1) I am totally in love with junk food, like chips, fast food and ice cream. And would definitely sell one of the twits off in exchange for some candies and chocolates!

2)I hate those skinny ass people who tell one another that they're fat and should lose weight. Like hello? i'm a million times fatter! Don't blabber rubbish or else, i'll get a banglah to rape you.

3)And i'll tag team with syuhada on those pea-brain twits who think that they're so GREAT. Prawn them ah..

4)I'm in love with gruesome killings, macabre and horror. I just love the way people plan the stuff to make it so perfect. You people should watch "The Saw", "The Saw 2" and "The Saw 3"But i hate HAPPY THREE FRIENDS, it ain't funny people.

5)I hate BARBIE DOLLS. I smashed my only barbie doll by useing a drawer and smashing it by opening and shutting the drawer by the doll's neck.. the head actually fell off! Then, i was only 4 years old.

6)I am not a MALAY. I may look like one, but im not.

And six people to do this.

Ho yiling
Chin Yee

They got SABO-ed.

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