Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Update on Life

Apart from the questions that I have been getting from FormSpring, this site has been pretty much 'untouched'. I have been meaning to write a proper entry on this site, but somehow inspirations have not been getting to me lately.

Maybe it is because I have been really exhausted lately. Well, hell yeah I AM still exhausted; physically, mentally and even emotionally. I know I am a pretty rigid person when it comes to emotional stuff, but I am just tired of everything. Tired of school; tired of my home; tired of the people in my life; tired of going through the same daily routines over and over again; tired of not being heard; tired of being mistreated and misunderstood; tired from living my life.

It might seem a little exaggerated but I don't give two fucks about it. I'm tired, and sick of life. I feel drained and clueless. It's like I don't know how to feel anymore. Why am I here, what am I doing, why am I doing it, and who can I talk to, if there's anyone there at all.

All I want right now is to have someone sit me down and talk to me. Sure, there's the usual "it's going to be okay, don't give up, you'll get through it", but I want more than that. I want someone to just sit and listen to me, and help me get all this horrid thoughts out of my head. I just want a really long and deep conversation to soothe my soul. Is it so hard to ask for? I know I've always been telling people that I am a lousy friend, but I have always lent a helping hand and a listening ear to those I love. It just sucks to know that there isn't a person to do the same back to me.

I know that I've always told people to 'man up' and I have never really opened up to anyone because I feel that I am the only one who can solve all my problems. But sometimes, I just want to feel loved. To know that whatever I am sharing isn't boring the shit out of you, and that you have better things to do. I don't want to add burden to anyone's load. I just want to be heard.

I think my world is crashing. But I'll find a way to get myself back on my feet. Eventually.

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