Sunday, September 30, 2012

Does this post even need a title

It has actually been nine months since I have submitted a blog entry (A child could have been born during the nine months of disappearance. Can you imagine that?!?).

Unfortunately, nothing much has happened over the nine months or year even. Except for the fact that I was bald for a period of time (in the bid to raise awareness about children who have cancer).

There was also a period of time whereby I thought it was cool to dye my head a shade of Smurf blue.Well,the initial plan was to have it in the shade of midnight blue, but as always...Shit happens.

And did I mention that I have already graduated from my Polytechnic (skipped the ceremony, and only came after it ended, to congratulate my friends. heh)?

Moving on from the mundane stuff...

There was an intention to continue updating my blog at the start of the new year, and I even had intentions of posting every week or so (trust me, I had a gazillion drafts; cannibalism, Adele being preggos, MCS Disorder, Oreo Gay Pride, and what-nots... But I never brought myself towards completing them). However, now that I've found my 'mojo' back, I realized that all the drafts are completely backdated and would hold no form of fascinating information. As such, I am scraping all of them, and will make plans to write new ones. 

So cheers to the fact that...

I'm not dead yet :)